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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

July Newsletter Updates and Furry Migration

Hello everyone!
The July Newsletter is out and has a handful of updates- if you don’t receive the newsletter here’s a quick update:

New Oval Meet dates are up on the calendar! The next two are at the end of this month on the 29th, and then on August 26th. We have  a break for September because —

–It’s time for Furry Migration!
There is still plenty of time to get registered and grab a room for this fun filled weekend.
Are you new to the furry community and want to help out? Try volunteering! There are plenty of ways to get involved with the convention, and if you don’t have time at the convention you can volunteer throughout the rest of the year.

Photography and some of the board of directors had a meeting about how to better get photos up on the website and to you. We are working on a way to contact photographers directly as well, so you can tell them how awesome they are, get high res copies, or ask them to do other work for you outside of MNF.

We are looking for members to join the web team! We are looking for content providers, social media updaters, and back of house maintenancers. Please contact @wintermane via email [wintermane@mnfurs.org] if you want to get involved!

Youth programming is trucking along, we had a great first meet and are having our second one today! We are currently in the process of confirming our August/September events, which will be a craft day as well as a “back to school” tips and tricks for young furs, a small newsletter and website post will go out once those are squared away. One of the members of the board is currently in talks with GPS and some of the other local conventions to double down on making a great Youth Program for furs and geeks alike! We are looking forward to seeing what they come up with.

Lastly, we had a great MNFurs July board meeting, but remember that you, our community are more than welcome to come by and ask questions, get answers (within reason!), and voice your own opinions. If you want to see how we gently push things into place for funding meetups, planning picnics, and just keeping things together- contact us for details on when our next meeting will be. If you have specific comments or opinions that you would like heard by us, please let us know so we can put you on the agenda!

Have a fantastic weekend folks!


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If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.