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ValleyFair – ValleySCARE Event September 24th

Valley Fair is Minnesota’s great amusement park but they kick it up in autumn when they convert part of the park for the ValleySCARE event. New events and scares are included in the admission with all the big rides are still running but the kiddy town and Waterpark are closed, no big loss. So join MNFurs on September 24th for the first Saturday of ValleySCARE.

We are rallying at loverofbalto apartment parking lot prior to leaving so we can cover up to 2 cars with the season pass so anyone else with a large vehicle would be greatly appreciated. The group intend to leave at 5:45PM and stay till close at Midnight. If you wish to use you own vehicle to arrive or leave at different times just remember the 10$ parking fee on top of the non-discounted $31.99 park entrance fee for arriving after 6PM. If you decide to spend the whole day the park opens at Noon and will cost you, without discounts, $42 plus the price of parking.

If you plan to meet up with the group around 6PM, meet within the front gate between the two shops.

If you are going or if you have questions please post in the forums otherwise contact with a PM to loverofbalto or via email [email protected].

Remember – For safty reasons the park asks us to leave the fursuits and tails at home.

So join us on September 24th for an evening of rides, food, scares and fun.

Address to Apartment Parking Lot: 560 Gorman St., Shokopee Minnesota 55379


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The RSVP Plus One is for one-time guests or guardians of the MNFurs member going to event.

If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.