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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Departments and Staff

Minnesota Furs is a large organization, with over 1,400 registered members and growing every day.  To keep the group moving forward requires the efforts of many individuals, from the board of directors through to the membership base.  To help, several departments exist within Minnesota Furs, broken into broad categories.


Our events staff help coordinate the members when they desire to run events, with everything from small events such as a dinner night, to large scale events like picnics and holiday parties.  They work closely with several other departments, coordinating efforts, making sure all tracking is done for events, helping notice get pushed out to the community at large, and so forth.  They are always looking for more people to help!

Current Staff:  Alli Coyote, Dirge Wuff, Drake, and SpidyTheWolfy.


Right now the volunteers department is headed jointly by the board secretary and board community representative.  This department helps organize volunteers, track hours, and assist when time comes for elections.  The volunteers department also fields questions and concerns related to helping with an event and resolving potential disputes between event hosts and volunteers who assisted.

Current Staff:  Rico


The Quartermaster is both a department and position.  The quartermaster handles all tasks related to management of Minnesota Fur’s physical assets, such as banners, picnic supplies, and convention equipment.  They help arrange for transport and retrieval of the items for events, and maintain a listing of what supplies are currently held and in what quantities to better assist in the running of events.

Current Staff:  Midnight


The Web/IT department is, after events, quite likely the biggest department within Minnesota Furs.  These individuals monitor the forums and social media channels, make posts to the website and other areas, assist in spreading word of events far and wide, program new improvements to the group’s digital resources, help maintain all digital archives of items for Minnesota Furs, and work hard to keep the group communication channels open at all time.  Web and IT are always looking for more skilled individuals, so please apply today!

Current Staff: Rico and Yancha


The Treasury department is exactly what you would expect.  They are the individuals who work tirelessly to keep the money donated to and earned by Minnesota Furs in the community, growing the group operations.  They assist in preparing and filing tax documents, managing receipts, payments, and reimbursements, and attending events to act as money handlers and to monitor donations.  These are very demanding positions, but highly rewarding for those that take part.  Please apply today!

Current Staff: Snap, Gold, and Tycho


For more information on our convention staff, please visit the convention website.


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