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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Elections: Voting Rights & Hour Submission

We’re getting down to the wire. Our candidates have been announced, their bios have been posted and the candidate Q&A session has concluded. Next is voting, and results. Are you looking to vote this year? Please read this post closely! The deadline is December 15th!

View the Canidates

Voting Eligibility

To be eligible to vote, as per the MNFurs bylaws, you need to have 20 hours or more of logged volunteer time. All hours from any MNFurs events count towards the grand total (Year around events, Furry Migration, Midwinter Frolic, Bear Essentials, etc). Hours are only logged if yourself or a department lead has submitted your hours. Please do not assume your volunteer time has been logged! Please email volunteers to verify your number of hours, and report any missing hours.

The deadline to submit hours is 8pm CST on Friday December 15th, 2023.

Verifying Hours

Email [email protected], and include the following information:

  • Please include “Verifying Hours” in your subject
  • Your “Furry Alias” (What you go by in the community)
  • Areas where you’ve volunteered and have volunteer hours (Example: MNFurs Events, Furry Migration, Midwinter Frolic, etc)

Reporting Hours

Reporting hours is still handled via email at this time. Please send a email to [email protected] with the following information when reporting hours:

  • Please include “Reporting Hours” in your subject
  • Your “Furry Alias” (What you go by in the community, if you have a few, please include all names we may have you logged under)
  • High level Sum Breakdown of Hours and where
    • Please only report hours accrued between Jan 1, 2023 and December 15th, 2023.
    • Example:
      12 hours – MNFurs Events
      7 hours – MNFurs Social Media
      8 hours – Midwinter Frolic

Hours cannot be reported after the deadline! What we have on file after December 15th is what we have.

Requesting A Ballot

Starting December 16, 2023, voting will open. When this happens, you may request a voting code.

  1. Email [email protected]
  2. Please include “Ballot Request” in your subject (optional)
  3. Please include your furry alias as associated with your volunteer hours (please include multiple aliases if you go by different names)
  4. You will be given a voting code (if eligible)
  5. Use voting code at https://vote.mnfurs.org/
  6. Follow the steps outlined via the online ballot
    • You may vote for a minimum of 1 candidates and a maximum of 3. (Voting for 1 person = OK. Voting for 3 = OK. Voting for 4 = INVALID).
    • Ballots with more than 3 checks will be discarded!
    • Double check your ballot! Cast ballots CANNOT BE CHANGED, Even by staff.
  7. Neat! You voted!

Remember the source of truth timeline can be found here: https://www.mnfurs.org/MNFurs_Talk/mnfurs/2024-mnfurs-board-election-timeline/. The dates on this page supersede any dates on any other pages and social media.


I volunteered at FM and submitted a volunteer hour sheet

The chances are very good your hours have been logged at the Society level, but it doesn’t hurt to verify those hours as per the process outlined above.

I volunteered, but I don’t recall the exact amount of hours

That’s okay. Estimating is acceptable. Please estimate your hours to the best of your ability.

What counts as “Volunteer Hours”?

Anything you’ve done for the organization, and every moment of the duration of that act. Did you stick around after a oval meet to help cleanup? That can be reported. Did you help with badge sales during a picnic? That can be reported. Did you show up early to a picnic and help rearrange tables and setup the potluck area? That can be reported.

I’m sure you get the idea at this point. Please round up hours to the nearest whole hour. If you volunteered for 35 minutes, round up to an hour. Did you volunteer for 2.6 hours? Please round up to 3.

I have less than 20 hours, but I really want to vote!

Please contact [email protected] ASAP by email. While the deadline is short, and near, we may be able to find some remote, administrative tasks for you to get last minute hours. Admittedly, we’ve been bad about monitoring this email inbox throughout the year, but leading up to Friday, it is being checked daily, if not twice a day.



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The RSVP Plus One is for one-time guests or guardians of the MNFurs member going to event.

If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.