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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.


Category: MNFurs

Minnesota Furs

The future of MNFurs.org, Forums and Discord

Hello all!

This is still very much still “in discovery” but we wanted to start the communication and transparency with our org about changes we’ll be making in 2024 to the MNFurs.org website, and Discord. Technology is always changing, and … Continue reading

2023-2024 Election Results!

Voting has concluded for the Board of Directors starting their terms in April of 2024 and our next board members have been decided by you, the voting members of our community.… Continue reading

2023 Elections: Voting is Open

Grab your ballots and go vote for our next round of Directors!… Continue reading

Elections: Voting Rights & Hour Submission

We’re getting down to the wire. Our candidates have been announced, their bios have been posted and the candidate Q&A session has concluded. Next is voting, and results. Are you looking to vote this year? Please read this post closely! … Continue reading

Introducing our Board Candidates & Elections Date Revisions

We are thrilled to announce the board candidates for our 2023 Fall-Winter Elections that closed November 25th, 2023:

  • Brian “Kurst” Mogged
  • Eric “Snap” Stevens
  • Heather “Talon”
  • Winston “Rocket Dog” Thao
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Nominations Close November 25th @ 11:59pm CST!

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MNFurs – November 2023 Heartbeat

Hey everyone! Its already halfway though November, where has the time gone? Yeeesh! We wanted to give a organization heartbeat to just summarize whats going on, what we’re planning and whats coming up! Wild! In this heartbeat we’re going to … Continue reading

2024 Board Nominations are OPEN (Closing Nov 25, 2023)

From now until November 25th, 2023, Elections for the MNFurs Board of Directors are open! Continue reading

2024 Board Election Timeline Revision

Hello all!

We made adjustments to the timeline of events for the 2024 Board Elections. This change was to reflect adjustments made to the previous timeline and we accidentally unimplemented those date improvements, whoops. Now those dates are fixed and … Continue reading

2024 MNFurs Board Election Timeline

Hello, MNFurs! This is your elections committee with an announcement to make.  As you may or may not know, MNFurs is a volunteer-based 501c3 not-for-profit organization.  What that means is that we not only have volunteers but also a board … Continue reading


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