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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.


Minnesota Furs’ community is what makes it the most unique furry organization in the United States.  None of what has been here could be possible without the support of the community and the visions for its future.

Building a Long Term Community Based Organization

The focus of Minnesota Furs and its community falls into three major areas, each assisted in its own way by a set of dedicated individuals within the organization.  These three areas are community building, volunteer efforts, and educational endeavors.

Community Building:  Community building efforts help in several ways – it brings in new talent to the organization, it provides safe spaces for members to feel free to express themselves, and helps spread awareness of Minnesota furs to other furs far away and locals right here in the state of Minnesota.  The biggest help in doing this is the dedicated individuals whom help plan and execute the convention for Minnesota Furs, called Furry Migration.

Volunteer Efforts: Volunteer efforts are one of the core beliefs in the Minnesota Furs community.  Without volunteers the group would not exist as it does today.  Volunteers help run small events that support the other two goals of community building and educational efforts, network with other organizations, and find willing individuals to assist in raising funds and awareness for other groups such as animal shelters and Como Zoo’s ZooBoo event.  The driven members of the Events team help coordinate and oversee these efforts.


Educational Endeavors: In recent years Minnesota Furs has been working on pushing its educational efforts.  This extends to several traditional and a few non-traditional areas.  In more traditional senses, this includes helping furs better themselves through mentoring programs, assisting with educational scholarships, providing seminars to learn about valuable life skills and training, and reaching out to provide awareness and information about the furry community to those outside the organization.  Minnesota Furs also works in helping members maintain their unique identity while teaching them safe, responsible ways of expressing their beliefs, outlets for educating the public on the special ways furs help others, and furthering support for furs throughout the broader world.  These efforts are spearheaded primarily by the Minnesota Furs’ board of directors, with help from several others.

None of these mission efforts are separate – many events put forth by Minnesota Furs strive to incorporate all elements, and the groups work closely together to continue the growth of not just Minnesota Furs but furry groups and like-minded organizations throughout Minnesota and beyond.

Members of Minnesota Furs – About Our Community

The Minnesota Furs community is as varied and vibrant as the communities of Minnesota, covering a vast cross section from all walks of life.

Members present a unique vision of our group.  There are many in the group whom are what is commonly dubbed ‘creators’.  These individuals make livings in honing their craftsmanship.  This includes artists in a variety of media and writers of both fantasy fiction and more technical information, photographers, and story tellers.  Crafters are also a prominent group of members, those whom create unique possessions such as fursuit makers, plush animal makers, pottery, jewelry and metalwork, and even some whom make custom electronics.  Many furs have skills and experience in the electronic world, with experience in web development, programming, social media management, data center oversight, and online community moderation.  And several furs within our community own or help operate businesses at high levels, from small personal businesses to helping run much larger corporations.

These members of the Minnesota Furs community often commit their talents in helping others in the group and volunteering to assist outside the organization.  They come together regularly to raise donations for those in need and spend time supporting not only our activities and interests, but those of like-minded communities.

There is also a broad reach to similar organizations.  Furs can often be found in various ‘geek’ communities throughout Minnesota and beyond.  Minnesota Furs community members are often found at the local anime convention, Anime Detour, and are frequently seen at the gaming convention Convergence.  Members are frequent visitors and sometimes volunteers at the Minnesota Zoo and especially Como Zoo.  They raise money for pet shelters and stores such as Petco’s Adoption Donation Drives.  Furs can be seen just about everywhere geeky culture can be seen, if just a bit of time is taken.

These amazing individuals help make Minnesota Furs what it is today, and without them we would be nowhere near what we have become.  This organization is dedicated to continuing to help grow the community and show Minnesota and beyond just how unique and special furs are.


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