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TLC Canine Rescue needs help

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  • #48863 Quote
    For those of you that have come out to the Petco donation drives you will be familiar with TLC Canine Rescue.

    They have a dog who is basically allergic to his own teeth so he needs to have all his teeth removed but paying for his care will bankrupt the group and they are a No Kill shelter so he will NOT be put down because of it

    . For info on what he has see link:  http://veterinarymedicine.dvm360.com/dental-corner-diagnosing-and-treating-chronic-ulcerative-paradental-stomatitis

    You can donate here also: https://poundwishes.com/donate/2054585/buddy

    This is a direct copy past from their facebook page:   https://www.facebook.com/tlccaninerescuemn

    “This is what Buddy our foster has, he is 20 months old.
    He had a $1100. surgery today to remove a couple teeth and had to have a dental cleaning.
    He is on meds that will Cost around $100 a month and eventually may need all teeth pulled. He needs to go in every couple months to have x-rays and dentals done.
    We are asking for help with his ongoing medical costs. If you can please help, Please donate to our PayPal account at tlccaninerescue.
    Thank you to those that have helped already. As you know we are a small 501© 3 non profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
    Thank you and Dog Bless
    Lisa and Bob”

    All I ask is that you spread the work and help if you can. Thank You.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by ShadowRunner.
    #48873 Quote
    Have them check with Carver Scott Humane Society. They have the same “no kill” policy and seem to have vets that will do surgeries very inexpensively.

    (952) 368-3553

    210 N. Chestnut St.
    Chaska MN 55318
    United States

    #48875 Quote
    will send them the info


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