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  • #49227 Quote
    Hello all!

    I just want to take a minute to thank the community and MNFurs specifically.

    I’m Ezo the timberwolf!  (Saying that even in text is a big step for me.)

    I’ve never really thought of myself as a true furry until a few months ago. I’ve had a wolf fursona that was never really anything more than a concept since I was a kid. After a recent ‘unexpected career change’ I took a closer look at myself and realized I don’t know myself or was accepting of myself as I previously thought.

    I grew up in a deep red state as the gay oldest son of a immigrant and military officer.  This was all normal for me and I took it in stride. I was fortunate enough where I grew up with voices growing louder for equality and my parents were/are very supportive. I had LGBT friends and allies growing up.  I never felt ashamed about who I was or where my family came from. Well… except one thing…

    Until a few months ago I have never told anyone, not even online friends I am a furry. Even in escapes like video games  I would make excuses to why I would play the animal races in games to avoid being labeled a furry.

    “Uhhh yeah,   their fall damage is reduced so its much better for pvp!” .

    “Oh yeah, khajiit have much better stamina and crit for my class! Stupid nord!”

    “Yeah the color of the fur is like camouflage. You humans are just gonna get seen and primaried first!”

    I’d say anything to dodge the furry label.  When in fact I didn’t give a shit about the racial bonuses.  I felt much more connected to an anthro character than a human one. I just didn’t want to accept I was a furry since my view of the community was the same uninformed public’s view.

    A few months ago I tell my boyfriend of 6 years I am a Furry.  I know it won’t shock him, I’ve known him for 10 years.  I just expect a “I love you and thank you for telling me”.  I get that, but also he starts immediately researching the fandom and the community, being genuinely curious. Rather than me awkwardly trying to explain being a furry to him he begins asking me questions.  Some I didn’t know the answer, but many that just made me feel much more comfortable and felt like a huge weight was lifted from me.  I actually began to learn more about the fandom through his reasearch than my own.  Now hes at a point that he jokes he needs a fursona just to fit in.

    So one person down.

    Fast forward to the Friday of Furry Migration.   I’m still very new to furrydom. Barely accepted myself as a furry.  I’m not involved in the community at all.  Got bigger things to worry about amirite?

    I’m walking through the skyway downtown doing big boy job stuff and run into some tail wearing folks with convention badges.  I’m a socially anxious person who keeps to himself.  But I stopped them (probably scared them at first) and asked them what the tails and conbadges were for.

    Lo and behold it is revealed!  A Furry Convention is taking place 4 blocks from my apartment.  Everything in my head says stay home, play games, do work. But I just turned 30. I don’t have time to let opportunities pass anymore. I basically just came out as a furry and now there is a con basically next door. Go.

    I get on my phone, register for the con, then head toward the Hyatt. Last convention I was at was Star Wars Celebration II (yeah look that up)….. I wasn’t sure what I would be walking into.

    I get there and immediately I’m nervous, I’m sweating, and I do not know what I am doing. I register, I wander around a few minutes and see the sanctuary words “VIDEO GAMES” posted on a door. I step inside and stroll around. There I see it, Rocket League, yes. My people.

    I am invited to sit and play some RL. My instincts take over and life becomes normal. Just playing a game, interacting with people. Then it hits me. I’m interacting with furries and we aren’t freaks. In no way would I have guessed they were furries if it wasn’t for the fursona badges. Wow we are just normal people!!

    The anxiety drops, it clicks that I belong here. Rather than just sampling the con and heading home each day, I decide to load up my schedule with panels. With plans for hanging out in the consuite or videogame room in-between to meet more people.

    It was a good decision. All of it was time well spent.

    I loved even just wandering around and browsing everything in the dealers den and artist alley. One of my highlights of the weekend was to finally bring a face to the fursona I’ve had for 20 years. I had the chance to work with a great artist who was able to take my vague descriptions and general newbness and deliver solid work. (thank you @satanandsolomon !)


    I met many amazing people. Got to see ridiculous works of art. I never have felt like I belonged somewhere like I did at Furry Migration. Thank you to everyone who was there. You just being there makes the community stronger. And thank you to everyone who had a hand in putting Furry Migration together. It really did feel like a life changing event for me.

    Now I’m completely open about being a furry with everyone.  It is such a liberating feeling.










    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Ezo.

    SergalJerk!  Eve Online's Premier Furry PvP Corporation!

    #49231 Quote
    Hello welcome!

    Im a total trash mammal.

    #49232 Quote
    First of all welcome!

    It sometimes takes a lot of effort to break out of the shell and meet people in real life with the same interests. It took me a long time to meet people locally myself.

    I am also glad you had a great time at your first convention, a local one at that. Thanks for coming and hope you continue to have amazing times and adventures being part of the Furry community.

    Member of Minnesota Furs a 501c3 Non Profit, former Convention Chairman for Furry Migration, volunteer, and always doings lots of other stuff.

    Feel free to ask questions because I'm here for you!
    Kurst "YipYap" Hyperyote

    #49233 Quote
    Hey there Ezo and welcome to the MNFurs community!

    My name is Drake and it’s a pleasure to meet you.  *Paw shake*

    To add on to what Kurst said yes, it’s always a big and nerve-wracking first step to come out of that shell.  You never know what to expect and if it’s going to all work out.  My first event I went to was back in 2012 for the MNFurs Fall Picnic up in Vadnais Heights.  I slowly opened up and came out of the shell and made many friends.  Fast forward to the present time, I work with MNFurs as well as Furry Migration and am surrounded by a great group of people!

    I am so glad to hear that you had an awesome time at FM and hope you return for FM 2018.  I also hope to see you at some of our local upcoming events…Community bowling is September 16 and our Fall Picnic is on the 30th.

    As I mentioned above, I am part of the MNFurs staff so please let me know if you have any questions/concerns!  🙂

    ~ Drake M.

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X


    MNFurs Events Department Co-Head - Events are the main driving factors of the organization.  Have an event you want brought to life?  Let us know!

    MNFurs Photography Department Staff - Photography and capturing moments is what we do at our events for our community.  Let's chat about your photography needs!

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Photography - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #49234 Quote
    Awwww. What an amazing story! I’m so glad you were able to attend and I hope to see you at more of our events in the future. =)
    #49236 Quote
    That’s wonderful! I know the fear of coming out, both as gay and as a furry and the social anxiety that comes along with trying to make new friends in general. It was my first con too as I am new to the community and I related to a lot of what you said. I very much hope to meet you. I too am a wolf. We can be brothers in fur, heheh. *wags tail*



    Engineer by day, artist by night.

    #49243 Quote
    Hi there ^_^
    #49246 Quote
    Welcome to the fandom! 🙂

    Have fun, stay awesome!

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