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CANCELED- DJ Night With DJ Lustyr




Join other furs at Wisdom Gaming Studios to jam out to some live-spun House music by DJ Lustyr (Otto Fox), who’s sets you may recognize from Furry Migration! It’s time to shake your tails and and enjoy grooving with your friends!

There is no cover charge and no age restriction! Those 21+ are able to purchase drinks at the bar if they wish.

Wisdom Gaming is located on the 4th floor of the Mall of America next to Hooters. Because of this, fursuits are not allowed. Ears and tails are permitted, however! Wisdom Gaming is a for-profit business, and any bar/game time sales at the venue benefit the business. Gaming PCs and Consoles are optionally available at a paid rate.

Cost: Free
Fursuit Friendly?: No, leave your suits at home.
RSVP?: Yes, so we can see who’s all coming!

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If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.