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February Oval Meet (Testing at a new location)

Hello Fellow Fluffs and Furs. It’s time for our regular monthly hangouts again after a great holiday party. But for this particular month, we’d like to try out a new location for this event that may provide benefits to the organization and to the group. The new space allows for a separation of different areas allows for quiet spaces, a photo booth, and a main area. But before finalizing the idea, I’d like to host one “Oval” at it to see how everything works out. With that in mind, join us at our new location for some socializing and fun.

Cost: Free, but you’re welcome to support the continuation of these events by donating or purchasing merchandise.

RSVP?: Yes, so you can see who’s going to be there

Fursuit Friendly?: Yes


Parking at this location is more open than you’d think. While the spots at the location itself are limited, you are also allowed to part on the street at Michigan W & W 7th, or in the parking lot of St Stanislaus Church Parking.

Home Forums February Oval Meet (Testing at a new location)

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The RSVP Plus One is for one-time guests or guardians of the MNFurs member going to event.

If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.