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Ocean of Solitude

Home Forums General Discussions Writing Ocean of Solitude

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    It isn’t very often that I am honest with myself but I wrote this poem to relate what depression is really like, for those that do not know


    I always knew I was destined to disappear

    Into the blankets of space and time

    Balancing on the silky threads of reality and dream

    reality is a TV-Static, distorted and an illusion projected for our desires


    On and on in my mind there is an open tundra, where a low wind howls and the ice chills to the bone


    voices echo through in every which direction of the room, not belonging just in one place

    it is difficult to understand the voices, as it appears to be heard from underwater-Distant. Unbelievable.


    Faces peer in through the reflection, but they too are distant and far away. I want to say something my lips are chocked out of air, pressure tightening around my neck-an cruel chain


    but even through suffering, you can find beauty

    looking up I see the brilliant diamond pattern of the waves-a gate to outside and there is peace

    the sandy bottom floating effortlessly  like butterfly wings beneath

    I am nonexistent now, one with the particle  and waves, not in one body but in many.

    a native of this barren land.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Spitfire.

    "You decide the outcome of your success"

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