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MNFurs 2017 Mythic Picnic Final Update

We are in final stages of picnic planning, we have arranged for grills and food, merchandise, commemorative badges, and various at picnic events. Let’s check the weather…. CRAP.
The weather is not going to be so nice. Not to worry, this is why we got have a covered pavilion and planned many of the events we did! Come rain or shine; there are good reasons to attend.
The pavilion has a complete kitchen, and we’re bringing the trusty propane grill. Instead of cold salads or desserts, we can make oven baked fries, potatoes, cookies, etc. The kitchen has a full stove and double decked ovens. We can make any number of hot entrées and do it inexpensively. If you have an idea of your potluck item and you want kitchen access, just send a quick note to the picnic potluck forum.

As for events, like Trapp Farm in the past, cool weather means fursuiting will be very comfortable. We have three full bathrooms that can be used for changing. Please be courteous and try to limit how long you are in there. Also, the picnic area has many wide pavement paths and concrete patios so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting your paws muddy.
Future events like Furry Migration and our new Werecamp will be planned and discussed at the picnic. Now is the best time to plug yourself into the planning process and make it happen. We intend to have the 1 pm announcements with news about Furry Migration, $5 parking options, an upgraded consuite, and new events to fill the new larger space, and a surprise limited edition T-shirts.

Lastly: Volunteers. We know people have been waiting to see what the weather does, but events like the picnic and other activities, all run on volunteers. We have four main roles we still need for volunteers for the key areas of the picnic. The kitchen (ovens and pots), grillmaster (cooking meet), arrangement and clean up (arranging potluck items in organized fashion and removing/disposing of empties), and main desk (badge printing, merchandise, info desk). A picnic is an easy place to get you volunteer hours and be in a position to meet everybody. Just an hour or two from everybody makes the work REALLY easy for all of us. Volunteer Sign-ups at the main desk.

9am-10am: Set-up (if you want volunteer hours, we will put people to work if they show up)
10am-1PM: Lunch. Picnic Badges will be available until mid-afternoon or longer with Volunteers.
1pm-3pm: Announcements and discussions at the fire pit. Find out about Furry Migration, Werecamp and at 2 pm a “how to” on running your own events. Want an event and don’t know how to set up it up.
3pm-6pm: Dinner. We will fire up the grill and ovens back up for evening meal.
7pm-8pm: Clean up and load out. Everyone pitching in makes this real quick.

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