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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Snowpocalypse TODAY (Saturday 3/12)

Snowpocalypse has arrived and here are a few reminders about the event.

Registration starts at 1:30 but you can register all day and all night!

The event itself starts at 2:00 and runs as long as we can.

If you have a fursuit BRING it. We have a photographer set up to take pictures and we will have fursuit games.

If you have board and card games. BRING THEM. There is plenty of space for it.

Art supplies of course there will be plenty of places to draw!

Hotel check-in starts at 3:00 officially there may be an early check in option you can ask at the front desk if your room is ready. Hotel check out is 11:00 but remember there is a complimentary breakfast as part of your room!

Pool area is for guests of the hotel but each room include up to 6 pool passes. So if you want to use the pool and know someone with a room…..

The hotel will provide free wi-fi, once you are registered ask the information desk on how to use it. But remember free wi-fi doesn’t mean fast wi-fi 🙂

After Snowpocalypse Kurst is running a unofficial run through Como Zoo for photography and looking at animals. Sorry this is not a fursuitting event but if you want to get some tips for photography, learn about Lion’s Manes or just want to look at animals and plants this should be fun! If you do go to this dress warm should be about freezing temps for the high. Read the forum post for updated details.

Sorry but outside food and beverages can not be brought into any of the main event rooms unless it’s from the hotel or Green Mill (Hotel Policy Not Ours). Snacks and beverages will be served from the Wolfs Den and will be available for anyone that is registered at the event. Outside food can be brought into any of the “Dens” or anyone personal room.

The weather while blustery is supposed to not have snow this afternoon. So driving should be safe *Whew* no big snow storm.

Since we did not book out the hotel there will be other guests in the hotel, lobby, and the pool area. Be kind and courteous to them and the staff. They belong there as much as us.

Last but not least have fun!

See you there!


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The RSVP Plus One is for one-time guests or guardians of the MNFurs member going to event.

If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.