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The results of the 2015 MNFurs Board Elections are in.

The results of the 2015 MNFurs Board Elections are in.

The three candidates elected are: Matt “Aerak” Hibbard with 21 votes, Brian “Kurst” Mogged with 29 votes, and Collin “Ridayah” O’Connor with 19 votes.
For more information look at the forum post here: https://www.mnfurs.org/forums/topic/2015-mnfurs-board-elections/

Home Forums 2015 MNFurs Board Elections

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  • #29715 Quote
    The results of the 2015 MNFurs Board Elections are in. We had a total of 73 eligible voters this year and 37 voted with three of those being absentee ballots.

    The three candidates elected are: Matt “Aerak” Hibbard with 21 votes, Brian “Kurst” Mogged with 29 votes, and Collin “Ridayah” O’Connor with 19 votes.

    The rest of votes between the candidates were close, and we are grateful for their involvement and wish them luck in their future endeavors.

    The committee also wishes to thank the MNFurs community for your roles as a volunteer, voter and/or candidate.

    Stärke und Demut - Neart agus baint leis - Styrke og ydmykhet

    #29716 Quote
    No surprise, incumbents are always a force to be reckoned with. They haven’t exploded the group yet so I’m sure it will continue to be fine. It’s not like they have much impact outside of legal liability and joyous paperwork.

    Will you not be revealing the rest of the votes? I had no expectation of winning but I did want to see how I did.

    #29717 Quote
    Id be curious to know how many actually voted compared to how many people were eligible.   just for curious cat’s sake.

    Furry Migration Staff (Volunteers) & MNFurs Board Member.

    Posts on the MNFurs forums are of my own opinion and do not reflect that of MNFurs or chartered events unless otherwise stated.


    #29718 Quote

    Id be curious to know how many actually voted compared to how many people were eligible. just for curious cat’s sake.

    They showed that at least. 37 of 73 so just a touch over 50%. Same turnout percentage as last year (though more overall voters this year).

    #29719 Quote
    Congratulations to Aerak, Kurst, and Ridayah! I know you will all work hard to make sure the group succeeds, and I look forward to continuing to work to improve the community in what way I can, even though I did not get elected.  I think that all of us, board or no, have things that we can contribute!
    #29720 Quote
    Zepaw, 37 voters so 111 votes max were cast. And assuming Takyoji was pulled from the ballet, and everyone voted three times (big assumptions).  Then a minimal of 6 and max of 18 votes.   But I agree all candidate votes should be displayed.
    #29721 Quote

    I think that all of us, board or no, have things that we can contribute!

    This is especially true. While being on the board does grant some additional insight into the mechanics of the group, there’s not that disparity in power that some might expect. You don’t have to be on the board in order to make great contributions to the community, as evidenced by many of our members.

    #29725 Quote

    I think that all of us, board or no, have things that we can contribute!

    This is especially true. While being on the board does grant some additional insight into the mechanics of the group, there’s not that disparity in power that some might expect. You don’t have to be on the board in order to make great contributions to the community, as evidenced by many of our members.

    I think that exactly. Sometimes people who are not on the board are more powerful and able to do more stuff than the board. I hope anyone that wants and able to contribute will be able to do so in the future.

    I have to say this – thanks for everyone who ran and most importantly who voted. I think there is a lot of communication that needs to be worked on and over time we can build a better, stronger, more communicating community together.

    Member of Minnesota Furs a 501c3 Non Profit, former Convention Chairman for Furry Migration, volunteer, and always doings lots of other stuff.

    Feel free to ask questions because I'm here for you!
    Kurst "YipYap" Hyperyote

    #29727 Quote
    Congratulations to the candidates who won after tallying up the votes.

    Also, congrats to those who were running as there were a lot of candidates this year.

    ~ Drake M.

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X


    MNFurs Events Department Co-Head - Events are the main driving factors of the organization.  Have an event you want brought to life?  Let us know!

    MNFurs Photography Department Staff - Photography and capturing moments is what we do at our events for our community.  Let's chat about your photography needs!

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Photography - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #29730 Quote
    Thank you to all the candidates, our election committee and all the voters who came out and voted. My only regret was that Kurst’s name was only on the ballot once. I’d love to have a board consisting of nothing but Kurst clones… I’m sure with a board like that, he could work around the clock for MNFurs and also be able to concoct a trap to finally catch the road runner.


    #29766 Quote
    Throw my name in for wanting to thank all of those who voted, who ran, and who help make the awesomeness that is MNFurs happen.  You guys rock our world.

    We’ve got a lot of things to work on, so keep your eyes peeled for exciting news, everyone!

    #29851 Quote
    Our apologies on the delay in releasing the full results of the election.

    The full election results in alphabetical order:

    Devin “Krios” Doyal: 15
    Matt “Aerak” Hibbard: 21
    Ashton “Zepaw” Johnson: 5
    Brian “Kurst” Mogged: 29
    Collin “Ridayah” O’Connor: 19
    Eric “Snap E. Tiger” Stevens: 14

    We had a total of 37 ballots with 3 absentee ballots included. Not all ballots voted for 3 candidates. We had a total of 73 eligible voters.

    The elections committee is seeking feedback from all community members. Feel free to send your suggestions and comments to: [email protected]

    As a reminder, the volunteer hours clock has been reset.  Thank you to all who participated in the elections.

    Stärke und Demut - Neart agus baint leis - Styrke og ydmykhet

    #30105 Quote
    Congrats folks!

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

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