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Any fellow furs in the Merriam Park/Highland Park area of St. Paul?

Home Forums Regional Discussions Minnesota Metro – Twin Cities Any fellow furs in the Merriam Park/Highland Park area of St. Paul?

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  • #39514 Quote
    As some of you know already, I’m new to the furry fandom, but I’ve lived in St. Paul for the past few years now with going to college at the University of St. Thomas.  As the title of my post states, I’m wondering if there’s any furs to happen to reside in the Merriam Park/Highland Park or other nearby areas of St. Paul.


    Also, even though I don’t have the means to afford any kind of fursuit quite yet, I’ve been going about doing another important thing, that getting a fursona.  As I said before, I’m new to the fandom, so I’ve been having a hard time coming up with a name for myself.  So to a name generator I turned (don’t judge me too much).  Since one of my favorite animals is the wolf, I thought why not turn to a wolf name generator.  I did just that, and upon finishing that little quiz, the name it generated was RiverRush.  Looking at the description that went along with it, I thought that it fit me and my personality well, so I think that this could be a good name for me!

    #39515 Quote
    Well I’m gong to give you just a tiny bit of friendly crap for completely skipping over the Mac-Groveland neighborhood. XP

    Right between the two neighborhoods you named (Summit south to Randolph,.the river east to Ayd Mill Road). And my neighborhood. *waves* Hi neighbor!

    I take runs down Summit a couple times per week. If you see someone that looks like Walter White running by campus or wandering the neighborhood in a kilt, chances are it’s me.

    #39517 Quote

    Well I’m gong to give you just a tiny bit of friendly crap for completely skipping over the Mac-Groveland neighborhood. XP

    My apologies.  I don’t know why I overlooked that neighborhood since I’m practically right by it.  That’s awesome how you run down Summit!  I’ll be on the lookout for you next time I run outside!  How far down Summit do you typically run?

    #39519 Quote
    I’ll usually cover most of the length from Lexington to the river and up to the Lake Street Bridge or down to the Ford parkway bridge. Sometimes I’ll cross to the other side of the river and then to the other of the two before heading back home.
    #39520 Quote

    I’ll usually cover most of the length from Lexington to the river and up to the Lake Street Bridge or down to the Ford parkway bridge. Sometimes I’ll cross to the other side of the river and then to the other of the two before heading back home.

    Sweet!  I’ll be on the lookout as I said before!  That’s usually the route I do for my runs too actually.  I typically do my runs in the early/mid afternoon depending on what my day is like with my classes.  If it’s a Monday or Wednesday, I typically go running sometime after 3, but if it’s a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or any other day, I typically go out sometime between 12 and 2.  Sometimes I do runs in the morning though too.  If I do somehow end up running into you during one of my runs, I will most definitely stop and say hi!

    #39542 Quote
    I live in the Summit Hill neighborhood (Grand & Dale-ish), in St. Paul.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Furbit.

    Life is amusing, though we are losing, drowned in tears of awe. — Kerry Livgren

    #39545 Quote

    I live in the Summit Hill neighborhood (Grand & Dale-ish), in St. Paul.


    #39546 Quote
    Any other furs within my parts feel free to shout it out here or send me a friend request and a private message.  😉
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