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Changing area

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  • #30283 Quote
    Hi all,

    I asked this before last year’s event too, but was wondering if there’s any plans for a proper changing area at this year’s event? For those who live in the area and don’t have access to one of the hotel rooms, and can’t drive already in our suit, a private changing area would be seriously welcomed. Last year I ended up having to change in one of the restrooms, which wasn’t all that great.

    I think all that would be needed is a small 6’x6′ space with a chair and mirror that is divided off or something (tarps?), and a place where your street clothes or suit could be set aside (in a container?) while you’re wearing one or the other, with maybe some kind of “claims check” system in place if needed.


    #30284 Quote
    Usually instead of the con providing such a space (knowing your valuables become a liability to them then that you leave behind while suiting) it’s just better to find a friend that will allow you to change in their room, or change in your car after you park at the hotel.
    #30288 Quote
    You’re probably right; I can imagine there could be some unneeded liability. My vehicle isn’t real big, so hopefully there are some parking spots that won’t put someone on display. :p


    #30290 Quote
    Do many furry conventions do this? I’ve never heard of this being done before.

    I remember back in the day I used to go to Midwest Furfest and just leave my stuff in the fursuit lounge, where amazingly it never disappeared. I would not advise doing that at FM =P

    I’m not the con chair, however I am a department head. This idea is interesting but I’m not sure how many people need it. If you don’t get a hotel room I’d suggest talking to some friends staying there and seeing if they will let you store your belongings in their room.

    Regardless I will ask around with some of our staff to see if this type of arrangement has ever been done, because I’m really curious.

    #30295 Quote
    This came up last year as well, and while we explore other solutions, I’ll repeat my advice in the meantime:

    For anyone driving in for the day, consider putting on your Under Armour / etc at home. It takes care of the part of suiting up that truly requires privacy and allows you to pull on your bodysuit and the rest in the fursuit lounge or at your car with less hassle. If it’s a more complicated suit, the lounge might be the optimal place because you can more easily enlist assistance.

    Regardless, if you find yourself needing help with suiting up or traveling to your car, don’t hesitate to flag down a volunteer or FM staff member and we can help get things figured out.

    Hope that helps!


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