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Changing & clothes/fursuit storage area?

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  • #25530 Quote
    I’m sure the answer to this is obvious, but for those of us who are new to suiting, cons, and everything else… πŸ™‚

    For anyone who lives close to this con and therefore won’t be getting a room at any of the hotels, is there anyplace private being provided at the hotel to change into a fursuit and store our “street clothes” (or a fursuit) someplace secure?


    #25531 Quote
    Howdy Lionsmane!

    The short answer to your question is, no – there isn’t a totally private/secure space for changing or storage of belongings. You’re absolutely welcome to use the fursuit lounge to change into/out of your suit, but realize that:

    • It’s not totally private, and there will likely be other fursuiters in there at any given time.
    • We highly recommend against leaving any personal belongings unattended in the fursuit lounge.

    In your situation I have a couple of suggestions that might make things a little easier:

    1. If you’re wearing a full suit, put on your base layer (Under Armour, etc) at home and wear street clothes over the top.
    2. Use your vehicle as storage for any items not currently in use.
    3. Or, if you find a friend with a room, ask about using that for changing/storage.

    I hope that helps, and that you enjoy your time at Furry Migration!

    #25532 Quote
    Hi Ringer, thanks for the response.

    Yeah, I have a full suit but no base layer (far too warm for one – 55 degrees with a breeze is comfortable for me!), so…this may be a problem. And I won’t know anyone there either, unfortunately. Nor will I have a handler/spotter or anyone to run things out to my car.Β  πŸ™

    OK, I’ll have to just come as I am then.


    BTW, for future conventions, would it be possible to have such an area? It would be especially useful for those who are local and attending by themselves. πŸ™‚

    #25533 Quote
    Oh no! I’d hate to let a lack of facilities prevent you from fursuiting at the convention.

    Unfortunately there are no other official options that I can suggest. Like I said, you’re welcome to use the Fursuit Lounge but it comes down to how comfortable you are changing in a semi-public area. There are bathrooms nearby as well.

    If you need a hand getting things back to your car / from your car, please do flag down a staff member or visit Con Ops. We should be able to give you a hand with that.

    Thanks again for asking, and we’ll keep your suggestion in mind for 2015!

    #25535 Quote
    If there’s a large/handicap stall in one of the bathrooms, that would be the best option I think. I’m working on getting a friend to come with me and act as a handler/spotter, with the dangling carrot of paying for his admission and possibly food, so we’ll see. Otherwise if I’m brave enough to actually do this completely alone, I may be taking advantage of the generous option of some staff help – cause trying to navigate to and from my car carrying stuff with very limited vision could be a challenge. πŸ™‚
    #25536 Quote
    You might alsoΒ meet someone at the convention that will let you change, etc in their hotel room.
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