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Fursuit Maker Meet and Greet!

Home Forums General Discussions Fursuiting Fursuit Maker Meet and Greet!

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  • #49903 Quote
    Hey there, Fluffs!

    We have a lot of fursuit makers in our local community. There are a bunch of us who do this for a living, and a bunch who are hobbyists.

    To those of us who do this as a business:
    I know there is some level of competitiveness between us, however we all have our own individual styles and markets for those styles. I think we can all work more together to spread awareness in our local community about who we are, and maybe come up with some ideas to help all of our businesses and give back to the community at the same time.

    To those who do this as a hobby:
    I think having a place to meet other hobbyists and professional makers could be really inspiring! I think whether you aspire to become a pro or just really love making fursuits for yourself… no matter the aspiration, it’s really awesome to be with others who do what you do.

    Let’s meet up! Next weekend we are having a furmeet at the Oval Community Center in Roseville. Let’s take over a table, bring examples of our work, and just hangout and chat and have a good time. ^_^

    I’m going to run a round table at 5pm next Sunday.

    If you can make it, think this is a good idea, or think it’s a terrible idea – comment on this thread and let me know. =D

    MNFurs Oval Meet

    #49911 Quote
    This sounds pretty fun :O
    Are you thinking bring finished/WIP samples just as a talking point or also could bring some stuff to work on at the same time? I’m not sure about what sort of space y’all have at the venue so if I was wanting to be working and gluing while chatting Iwasn’t sure if that would be feasible.
    I’ll try and come by, depending on how much prep I need to do before flying home for Thanksgiving in a day or so.
    #49912 Quote
    That’s literally in the middle of my work-more-than-a-week but I may be able to make it. Bring my Tail of Fabulous with.

    "The problem is not that there are too many idiots in the world, the problem is the distribution of lightning."
    - Mark Twain

    #49913 Quote

    This sounds pretty fun :O
    Are you thinking bring finished/WIP samples just as a talking point or also could bring some stuff to work on at the same time? I’m not sure about what sort of space y’all have at the venue so if I was wanting to be working and gluing while chatting Iwasn’t sure if that would be feasible.
    I’ll try and come by, depending on how much prep I need to do before flying home for Thanksgiving in a day or so.

    Its a giant room filled with 6FT round tables. Some are near power outlets. We can work on things there, provided we bring a table covering to protect against hotglue dribble, and that we are mindful of others (i.e. No accidents)

    #49917 Quote
    Just finished my current project so no WIP to bring to work on. I can bring my latest fursuit though.
    #49926 Quote
    I might sit in and watch, or maybe I’ll try my hand at doing something at the meet. 🙂 that could be fun, if no one minds me sitting in. ^_^;

    When things look down, challenge them by looking up and seeing the light.

    #49968 Quote
    I’d love to join, but I’m pretty sick and won’t be making the meet. Sign me up for the next one though! I agree that although we are technically in competition, we should work together. Market demand is through the roof, and we would be much better off helping each other out. I’d be glad to share the techniques I’ve learned.
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