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Hansy appears! (And Kapuki too)

Home Forums MNFurs Introduce Yourself And How Did You Find MNFurs Hansy appears! (And Kapuki too)

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  • #31924 Quote

    I’m going to try to be more active on this site, to be honest. I’ve kind of been neglecting it, haha ;;

    I have a sona, her name is Kapuki.

    Kapuki's Character Design

    I’ve been a member of this site for quite a while, in fact I had another account but I currently made this one to better fit my new lifestyle and character. Kapuki has been apart of me for roughly a year now, she is my main fursona and I identify her as my playful/childlike side of my personality. At the moment she does not have an ‘anthro’ version of herself, she is portrayed to be a small quadruped animal with an extremely long tail.

    As for the human behind the character, my name is Victor Ross Naegele, I am a transmale, a convention attender, digital artist, and currently attending Art Institute International (Minneapolis) for my Bachelors of Science, Media Arts/Animation. My pen name (and convention badge title) is “Hansy”, which is also my furaffinity username

    Picture of Vic

    As for myself I have regular convention attendance. Mostly for local conventions such as:
    Anime Detour, Anime Minneapolis, Fusion, Metacon, CONvergence. I staff Anime Minneapolis, Metacon, Anime Midwest, and Con+Alt+Delete.

    This year will be my first year attending Furry Migration 2015, my actual first furry convention, and I am extremely excited to start my journey as a fursuiter there.

    EDIT:  My fursuit was recently completed~ (July 3rd, 2015)


    So yeah! That’s about it, I’ll be attempting to attend more events here going on at the MNFurs. It’ll be pretty great, can’t wait to be come an active member here.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Firespr1te.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Firespr1te.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Firespr1te.

    "It’s precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility."

    -Kyojuro Rengoku

    #31926 Quote
    Hello again. And about time. =P
    #31928 Quote
    It’s been a while, man! I missed you, since you disappeared from Facebook! ;o;

    "It’s precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility."

    -Kyojuro Rengoku

    #31929 Quote
    Blame Facebook for that. They hit me with their stupid real name policy crap. And I refuse to use my real name unless necessary for legal reasons. They aren’t the law so eff them.   Nowadays I’m just around on the Twitter really and in the games I play.
    #31937 Quote
    Hhh, I’ve been meaning to make a twitter for a while. I probably will after Anime Midwest, presumably when my fursuit is completed since I probably won’t be using twitter for anything else but that XD

    "It’s precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility."

    -Kyojuro Rengoku

    #31938 Quote
    Hey!! Glad to have you aboard!!



    Help me remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I together cannot handle!

    #31989 Quote
    Whoa you were at Animinneapolis this year, I was the guy walking around with neon orange glasses and neon blue headphones, I probably wandered by you at least once!

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

    #31992 Quote
    I was staffing Consweet majority of the time since that’s where the help was needed the most, I was wearing my 7ft long tail ^_^

    "It’s precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility."

    -Kyojuro Rengoku

    #32056 Quote
    Shame on me. I never said hello. Welcome aboard to MN Furs.

    I haven’t been here long and I hope to see you around.


    Bark, wave, and grin,


    Furry Migration Volunteers Department Co-Head

    #32153 Quote
    Welcome to the community, Hansy (and Kapuki, too). Are you planning to come to Furry Migration this year?  http://www.furrymigration.org/

    Be sure to register soon and as head of Volunteers, I’d love to hear from you!  We have a lot of opportunities!

    Look forward to meeting you!!


    Help me remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I together cannot handle!

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