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LGBT+ group?

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  • #37137 Quote
    Hey guys! Ruban here, I just noticed something. Our fandom group can be known for how many people are lgbt, and it’s true a good part of us are, so I was wondering why isn’t there a support group or just a group where you can find other people like you? Now maybe it’s not as common in Minnesota but I was just wondering why there wasn’t. Maybe it’s a dumb idea but if there’s an answer please let me know why.

    <3 Ruban

    #37358 Quote
    Short answer, Many MNfurs ARE LGBT but are comfortable enough that there does not fell the need or push to have a sub-group.  If you want to start a thread discussing a specific issue, I suggest doing so and see who jumps in to join discussion.  We just don’t have a separate “discussion area” for it.  Reminder to make sure it stays PG is only rule i can think of.


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