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Pixel Badges by Queuethulu

Home Forums General Discussions Artwork Pixel Badges by Queuethulu

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  • #4268 Quote
    So tonight I will be making the official announcement on making the badges on FA

    ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/queuethulu/ )


    I am giving the MNFurs group a special discount $25 down from the normal $35.


    Later, when I post the journal, send me a note if interested. I require the following for the badges:


    1) Reference sheet or Art for the character. If you don't have art, a very detailed description and a close sample would be acceptable.

    2) Your MNFurs forum username.

    3) Some info on your 'sona's personality.


    I ask about the personality because I do not stream, nor will I be doing 'sample' artwork. I will do the badge based on your 'sona and personality, so it will be fun, and unique. It will be done in a reasonable amount of time, and for MNFurs group members, you can pick them up at the biweekly meet-ups.


    Any questions, send me a note on FA or if I am in the chat, ask me. Each run will be a limited number, so it will be first come, first serve.

    #9460 Quote
    There will be a sale comming up, so the already discounted discount, gets a discount so you can discount while you discount.

    Pixel Badges will be $20, and will be laminated and brought to you at a biweekly meet up to you. They are printed on High quality 4″ x 6″ Photo paper, laminated in 3mm plastic (for now)

    Badge Samples:



    So here are the base rules:

    1) If you’re going to do a badge for someone else I will need permission from them
    2) I need a character reference or a good description and a ‘similar’ image
    3) A brief character personality description is needed so I can make a unique pose
    4) I will ask for a name and adress via note before shipping them off
    5) If you can’t pick them up at a biweekly I can mail them or meet you somewhere if you’re local… Duluth, St Cloud furs, I can mail to you…

    Please send me a note, with the proper information, and I will update this Journal with the queue for this run.

    So I can make the funds to go to Furry Fiesta, I’m dropping prices down to $20 for the MNfurs group, so I can get a plane ticket. I know some folks don’t have an FA (well, now I do) so you can drop me a private message here with the required info.

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