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Somewhat new and have questions

Home Forums MNFurs Introduce Yourself And How Did You Find MNFurs Somewhat new and have questions

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  • #50105 Quote
    I go by many names but you can call me Salizar. I’m having trouble uploading a photo without cropping it. How do I shrink the photo size without losing most of the image?

    To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is the law of life.

    #50106 Quote
    Go to a video editor like kinemaster, put the pic in then screenshot it



    #50107 Quote
    I don’t have any thing like that. The only Internet access I have is my phone.

    To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is the law of life.

    #50108 Quote
    or u can open it in something simple like MS paint. select it all. and resize it.
    #50115 Quote
    On the about me page what is the signature box for? This is the first community site I’ve been on that isn’t very descriptive on how to fill some things out.

    To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is the law of life.

    #50137 Quote

    On the about me page what is the signature box for? This is the first community site I’ve been on that isn’t very descriptive on how to fill some things out.

    Signature would be for a blurb that always appears underneath your posts, like the stuff that appears under mine. As for cropping images without a PC photo editing program, search google for “cropped image” and you should get some results for online photo editors.

    #50151 Quote

    I go by many names but you can call me Salizar. I’m having trouble uploading a photo without cropping it. How do I shrink the photo size without losing most of the image?

    While the uploading was tested and worked on desktop browsers I just double checked that after you upload the picture the site’s cropping tool that is shown and working on the iOS (Tested in safari) and Android (tested on chrome).

    The 484 x 484 is the resolution the site uses for Avatar. If you have the right image size when you upload it should select the full image otherwise you should be able to select the size of the area of the picture to use by dragging the edges. If it resets/resize incorrectly just try again. When i did it on Android it felt a little “clunky” and I did miss my initial crop on the picture so I had to do it twice.

    As you noticed it will not tell you if your crop area is < 484 resolution it will still allow you to crop the image and have well a fuzzy icon. Just to note - this is our locally community run site built by local in the fandom with a combination of home brew, free and other commercial licensed software. This is done so we don't have to depend on other sites and organizations so that we can always have a home in our community to both be able to post and communicate without worry about what happens when X goes away or changes that might prevent us from reaching our friends and fellow furs. This site is here to providing a stable base for the community. That said - this site is no where perfect, it will have bugs, and needs more documentation. It depends on people to make it a better site and this does include everything from updating, maintain the site, to help writing get started documentations. Feel free to provide any feedback or if you like to provide help building the site. The best way to make sure that it gets noted is using the Contact Us page. This is so that the current web masters can keep track of problems and better yet look at what can be done to help the site become better in the future.

    Member of Minnesota Furs a 501c3 Non Profit, former Convention Chairman for Furry Migration, volunteer, and always doings lots of other stuff.

    Feel free to ask questions because I'm here for you!
    Kurst "YipYap" Hyperyote

    #50405 Quote
    Hello Salizar, thanks for stopping by!

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

    #50449 Quote
    #50462 Quote
    Wow,  looking at everyone’s icons vs mine I’m a little disappointed. My art looks kind of sad.  I don’t do digital media because I’m no good at it. Thank you guys for the help and tips. I’m happy I got it figured out.

    To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is the law of life.

    #50464 Quote
    I can’t speak for everyone, but at least my own profile icon is a commission I had done by another artist (and I wouldn’t be surprised if at least a fair number of other folks have done the same as well).


    The wonderful thing about art is that it’s a constant process of improvement and development. I’ve been drawing off-and-on for about a decade (since grade school) and I feel that I still have a lot to learn, yet I know I’ve come a long way since then. Know that you’re not alone in this journey, we all start and grow at different paces, and the most important thing in art (at least in my opinion) is to find joy in doing it 😀

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