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Space available for one or two

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  • #32049 Quote
    (I accidentally put this under the ride share before) Hi there. I have a hotel room booked for furry migration for Friday and Saturday night. I have space available for one or two furs, depending on your comfort levels. There will be two queen beds, one of which is already taken. If you like I can bring a clean, gently used air mattress to set on the floor, but I would expect you to return it in the same condition as it was presented to you if you choose to use it. Each additional person adds $25 per night to the total cost of the room, so the cost to you would be $25+($130*1/4) so $57.50 a night. This is less than the $65 plus 13% tax you would be paying to split the room with only one other person. Yes, it’s only a $7.50 (plus tax) a night difference, but that’s nothing to turn your nose up at especially if that savings of $7.50 (plus tax) means you can not only commission your favorite local artist but also eat something more substantial than instant noodles. Feel free to message me privately on this site or on furaffinity.net user: Grungecollie.
    #32424 Quote
    Hi! I’m definitely willing to take a spot!


    I’m kind of desparate now too, as the 2 people I planned to go with can’t go. So I would really like if i could room with you guys! Otherwise I might just be secretly livin in my car. I can pay my share, of course.

    If you want a profile, im a 19 year old guy. I’m not deep into the fandom, i’ve always just been a grazer. My close friend who cant go now was always my connection to the fandom, but the migration last year was so fun I can’t imagine missing it this year!

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