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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Two Events MNFurs Can Help The Community With

October is a great time of year.  The leaves are falling, apples are a dunking, and people are dressing up in costumes.  MNFurs major event for this season is October Minnesota Furry Gathering on October 15th, but don’t forget that there are other events going  on in the wider community.

MNFurs is looking for participants for two other events during this holiday season.

Como ZooBoo

Como Zoo is having their 25th Anniversary ZooBoo on October 22, 23, 27, 28 & 29.

What is ZooBoo?  It’s Como Zoo’s way to provide a safe, friendly, non-scary Halloween event for children of all ages.  Every year, for five days, Como Zoo builds a trail full of fantasy lands populated with over 200 costume characters for entertainment and picture taking that draws tens of thousands of kids and parents.

The event helps Como Zoo by raising awareness of the zoo itself, and it’s one of their biggest public fundraiser that helps support the zoo so it can be free throughout the year.

Como Zoo needs volunteer to entertain kids within costume, ensure the safety of the public, and give out prizes to the children.  So you don’t need a costume to help out.

We are hoping that members of MNFurs would donate their time to support one of our beloved zoos in Minnesota.  Kurst is organize this, and you can find more information in our forum thread.

Anoka Halloween Grand Day Parade

Anoka is the Halloween Capital of the World.  Every year they put on a 1.2 mile parade in downtown Anoka at 12:30pm on Saturday October 29th.  They are looking for people willing to take part in this event in and out of costumes.  So you don’t have to have a costume to be part of this great event.

It costs us $75 to register a group, and we’ll be asking for the participants to help out to defray the cost.  Cybergarou is organizing this, and you can find more information at this forum post.

For both of these events we need to get a count of who wants to participate and how they wish to participate.  This will help us plan and keep in communication with those interested.  It will also inform us on what other resources we need to make both of these events a success.

If you are interested in either of these event or future events with costuming/suiting please email [email protected].


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