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Furry from Iowa looking possibly in MN for jobs (not sure where to put this)

MNFurs Home Page Forums Off Topics and Site Maintance Off topic Furry from Iowa looking possibly in MN for jobs (not sure where to put this)

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  • #33135 Quote
    Is there a forum/topic thread where I can talk about matters that would relate to seeking out furries for help on job-hunting in Minnesota? I am currently wondering what kind of IT\IS jobs are in MN and I know a lot of the MNFurs are in that field. Not that I couldn’t just start applying, but it would be nice to know more about the company than just what I read on their web page. Thank you all in advance for your help!
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Mouring.
    #33137 Quote
    FYI moved to “Off-Topic”.
    #33145 Quote
    I would suggest checking the larger companies that are headquartered here in MN. Companies like General Mills, Centurylink, Xcel Energy, PepsiAmericas, U.S. Bancorp, Target, EcoLab, Best-Buy, and C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. not to mention 3M are always looking for IT. Good luck sir!

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

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