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Itsa me, Le Zoder~

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  • #48946 Quote

    Hey, I’m Zodie~

    After like 3 years of actually going to and knowing about Furry Migration, I’m actually making an account here ;V
    I don’t consider myself a furry or part of the fandom, but I am a professional artist and suit maker, and I’m a p avid fursuiter.

    I’m a horrible ice monster who loves tacos, air conditioning, walk in fridges, power metal, cheesy 80’s glam/hair metal and tasty vaporwave goodness.

    My first con was actually FM ’14, but I’ve also been to FM ’16 and TFF ’17. I am going to FM this year, too. I like going to cons so I can be my monster self and to see my friends :v

    I actually live in Wyoming (yes, it’s actually a state), and my good friend Jacek introduced me to Minnesota and now I’m actually considering moving in the future.

    I’m not super friendly and I’m not for everyone, but my Telegram is usually open, though I may not get to it right away because I’m probably sewing or burning myself with a glue gun somewhere

    #48949 Quote
    Hello welcome welcome!

    Im a total trash mammal.

    #48951 Quote
    Well if you’re an ice monster you’ll fit in just fine in MN. Hope to see you at FM.
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