Hey, you should login or register!

Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Last Call! MNFurs Board Nominations Close January 31st

Howdy MNFurs!

Reminder that the Nominations for the upcoming Board of Directors election is closing January 31st.
You can vote for yourself, or for a friend, or other community member you think would do a good job.

This is a great way to get involved with the community in events, charities, volunteering, helping support Furry Migration, etc.
Information, dates, and FAQ by clicking here.

If you have any comments or questions please feel free to email [email protected] or use our forums located here.


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The RSVP Plus One is for one-time guests or guardians of the MNFurs member going to event.

If the Plus One is for an MNFurs member, they need to RSVP themselves.