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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.



January 7th Bi-Weekly Meet

January 7th bi-weekly meet at Perkins is going to be a little bit different this year. Starting at 6PM the MNFurs steering group will be holding a discussion about upcoming events in 2012. We’ll do a quick introduction of the … Continue reading

Winter Carnival Parade 2012 Registration

Winter is coming and with it is the 2012 Saint Paul Winter Carnival Parade. Join the MNFurs and come be a part of this Saint Paul winter tradition.

It’s easy to participate in the parade, you just need to do … Continue reading

No Bi-Weekly Meet On December 24, 2011

The holiday season is upon us and the next bi-weekly meet falls on Christmas Eve.

Because of the low turn out on holidays we are officially canceling the December 24th meet. Our next official MNFurs meet is January 7th.

Have … Continue reading

Lions and Tigers and Cat Girls

Anime Detour, the largest fandom convention in our region, is getting a new feature this year. Please help your very own MNFurs present a positive appearance to our 5000+ anime brothers and sisters who may also be furries without … Continue reading

Saint Paul Winter Carnival Parade 2012

Last year we had a great turn out for the Saint Paul Winter Carnival parade. Participants and spectators alike smiled and everyone had a great time.

This year MNFurs would like to kick the new year into high gear by … Continue reading

Bi-Weekly Meet Reminder

Reminder – MNFur’s bi-weekly meet happens every other Saturday unless there is a major event happening that weekend.

The next scheduled bi-weekly meet is October 29th, 2011 starting at 5 PM.

For more information about the bi-weekly meet click here Continue reading

OMFG Survey

Before October Minnesota Furry Gathering becomes a fond memory please take 10 minutes of your life to fill out this short survey at http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/679654/MNFurs-October-Minnesota-Furry-Gathering-OMFG.

If you have any additional feedback about OMFG or MNFurs please feel free to use … Continue reading

Thanks From The Staff Of OMFG

The OMFG and MNFurs staff like to thank everyone for coming to October Minnesota Furry Gathering 2011. Unofficially we had hundred-and-seven people at the event, and just over thirty fursuiters. It was amazing to see the variety of costumes and … Continue reading

Two Pendants For Silent Auction At OMFG

Two pendants have been donated to MNFurs as fundraisers for the general fund. Each will be silent auctioned off at registration until Saturday night, October 15th at 9:30PM.

The first pendant commemorates MNFurs first event earlier this year: Snowpocalpse 2011. … Continue reading

OMFG Schedule Released and costume contest

After painstaking efforts to extract a schedule from those in charge we are proud to announce a social schedule for October Minnesota Furry Gathering. You can find it at here.

Also please note we are having a costume contest … Continue reading


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