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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.



MNFurs Presents – Holiday and New Years Party!

Winter is drawing near, and it means the Holidays are just around the corner. And with that the Annual MNFurs Holiday party! … Continue reading

MNFurs in the Saint Paul Winter Carnival Parade

Join MNFurs in the 2015 King Boreas Grande Day Parade at the Saint Paul Winter Carnival on January 24, 2015 at 2pm. … Continue reading

December Lineup For MNFurs

We are in the heart of the holiday season, a time for getting together! Let's talk about a few things happening in the local community this month and beyond. … Continue reading

December Alternate Holiday Meet at the Machine Shed

We will be having an alternate meet at the Machine Shed in Lake Elmo on Saturday Dec 27th. … Continue reading

Date Change for First December Perkins Meet And Community Meeting – 12/13

The first Bi-Weekly meet in December is re-scheduled to 12/13. The Dec community meeting will start prior at 4pm. … Continue reading

Tree of Hope Fundraiser

Join Unico to help raise money for TLC Canine adoption group this Holiday Season! … Continue reading

MNFurs Nov 8th Bi-Weekly Meet Rescheduled To Be At Perkins

We received words of cyclical violence over the last few weeks near the planned site of our alternate meet, and we felt the safest path for everyone was to reschedule the alternate meet to another date that has yet to be decided. For now, the furmeet has been moved back to Perkins for this weekend. … Continue reading

November Line Up for MNFurs Community

It's November and with Thanksgiving coming up there are a lot of things to be thankful for: turkey, stuffing, and, more importantly, friends and family. There is nothing more important than friends and family.

Let's see what is on the calendar this month for getting together with friends old and new. … Continue reading

November Community “Town Hall” Meeting

The next MNFurs open community forum is being held in the Bylery’s community room at St Louis Park on Friday, November 7th at 7pm. … Continue reading

MNFurs Presents – Fall Fursuit Bowling at Ramsey Super Bowl

Come join MNFurs on Friday, Nov 14th for Fursuit Friendly Bowling at the Super Bowl in Ramsey … Continue reading

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