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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.



Holiday Party! Werecamp! Oh my!

Howdy everyone,

We’re rounding the corner on the end of the year, and we’ve got a few things coming up in 2019.
This does not count as your normal pseudo-newsletter update (that will come later), but we wanted to give … Continue reading

Give to the Max Day! (11/15)

Hey fur folks,

MNFurs is participating in Give to the Max Day, through GiveMN this year on Thursday, November 15th!


GiveMN.org is a 501(c)(3) that has been facilitating year-round linking of charities and donors since 2009.  Minnesota Furs is
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November Community Fursuit Romp!

Hey fur friends, it’s November and cooling down fast!
This is your main page blurb mentioning that the FURS HAVE SPOKEN and Drake has made plans for yet another fall fursuit romp.
Check out the event page and let … Continue reading

MNFurs and FM @ Anime Fusion!

Local convention, Anime Fusion is coming up on October 19th (through the 21st)!

For the first time ever, Furry Migration and MnFurs will have a MicroProgramming track at Anime Fusion. Come join us and support our programming October 19-21 at … Continue reading

Lost and Found! Fall Picnic Edition!

Hiya fellow furs,
Thank you all so very much for attending this years Fall Picnic!

We hope everyone had a great time this year with the fantastic weather and good post-convention feelings.
There is a lot more planned for the … Continue reading

Fall Picnic (and more) and Thank You!

Hiya fur friends,

We have just recently sent out the September newsletter with the compiled dates for upcoming events, a little post Furry Migration update, and our usual little blurb on what went down in the secret (not actually that … Continue reading

Youth Programming @ Furry Migration

As previously mentioned, here is a compiled list for furry youth and their guardians for Furry Migration! The full schedule is live and can be viewed on the Furry Migration website.

What follows here are the youth specific events, as … Continue reading

Last Days to Pre-Reg for Furry Migration

Just in case all the other updates weren’t enough, we are rounding the corner for the last couple days to pre-reg at the lower cost for Furry Migration! August 15th is the cut off for pre-reg! Also there are still … Continue reading

Reminder! Guardians at Youth Events

A gentle reminder to parents and guardians of young furs (cubs, chicks, kids, etc.) who are attending MNFurs general and Youth Programming events, that an adult must remain present at all times for an individual minor or a group of … Continue reading

It’s almost August!

Hello everyone!

The August newsletter will be going out soon with updates about big MNFurs event planning, Furry Migration, our latest Directors meeting, and taking in that tail end of summer.

Reminder that our Board of Directors meeting for MNFurs … Continue reading


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