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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.



Community Updates: Elections, Volunteering, and Board…

Hello everyone on behalf of the Minnesota Furs we would like to give you an update on recent events at our organization. … Continue reading

Holiday Party Reminder!

Hello MNFurs community!

November is coming close to an end and December is soon to be around the corner.  With that we want to remind everyone about the Holiday Party. The party is happening on January 4, 2020 from

Continue reading

December Fursuit Romp!

Hey MNFurs-

We have another romp for you, this time hosted by community member Zaros at Clifton E. French Regional Park on December 14th. As always, everyone is welcome to come and hang out, take some photos, and see friends. … Continue reading

MNFurs & Furry Migration at Anime Fusion!

Minnesota Furs and Furry Migration will be at Anime Fusion this weekend, October 18th-20th!

Come see the Infinite Possibilities of fun at a convention from the MNFurs microprogramming to manga libraries to video rooms and more.

MNFurs are hosting a … Continue reading

Holiday Party Announcement!

Hey there MNFurs!  I want to take some time and talk to you about our next big event that will be coming up in a few months.  This event is the annual Holiday Party and we have everything all setup. … Continue reading

Post Fall Picnic and Fall Romp!


Thank you for joining us at the MNFurs Fall Picnic 2019, we hope everyone had a great time eating and hanging out with their friends. We have some photos available now, and more as they are edited by our … Continue reading

Fall Picnic, ValleyScare, and Werecamp!

Good evening MNFurs,

We just sent you a handy email about events going on in the next couple of weeks. The first of which is the annual MNFurs Fall Picnic, this Saturday September 28th at Elm Creek Park Reserve! Head … Continue reading

Furry Migration! Newsletter Summary

It’s almost time for Furry Migration!

The previously mentioned “Final Countdown” Newsletter is in the process of going out with specifics about how to find MNFurs, Youth Programming, Volunteering information, schedule, etc., but here is a brief summary:

Registration and Continue reading

Furry Migration: Pre-Reg Deadline and More!

Good afternoon MNFurs!

A quick reminder that Pre-Reg for Furry Migration 2019 closes August 15th, so if you’re looking to save a little money or skip at-the-door, get yourself over to the registration page today!

Remember that at-the-door price is … Continue reading

July Fursuit Romp!

Howdy MNFurs,
A little update while we are preparing for Furry Migration – our Fearless Leader, Drake has another fursuit romp for everyone.
This one is happening on Saturday, July 27th, in Edina at Centennial Lakes Park.
Check it out! Continue reading


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