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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.



Minnesota Furs 2021 Board of Directors Elections Season Opens

Announcement, dates to know, and Q&A topics … Continue reading

Minnesota Furs Holiday Party Cancellation

Minnesota Furs Cancels Their Holiday Party … Continue reading

Not only are the Seasons Changing

October News and Information About MnFurs … Continue reading

Do You Know What Your Voting Plan Is?

Get out the vote! … Continue reading

Finished – Minnesota Furs Website Will Have Scheduled Maintenance

Site maintenance on Wed., October 28th at 6 p.m, (CDT) … Continue reading

MNFurs is now on Discord

MNF DiscordWe're excited to announce an official MNFurs Discord Server. We have several channels for different interest groups, and it will be evolving. … Continue reading

Letter from the President of Minnesota Furs

Here is an updated letter from our President on the state of Minnesota Furs. … Continue reading

Jackbox Game Night July 18th

Hey there MNFurs community! Did you have fun at the first round of Jackbox games over the 4th of July weekend? Well you are in luck as we have another round coming up very soon. … Continue reading

Jackbox Game Night July 4th!

Hello MNFurs! Join us for a night of jackbox games. This Saturday, July 4th, at 7pm CDT with your computer or web enabled tv! … Continue reading

Notice of Cancellation of the MNFurs Spring Picnic

It is unfortunate, but we have to inform our community that due to the extension of the Minnesota stay at home order today by the Governor and notice from the Park Board our reservation has been canceled. As such we … Continue reading


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