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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Notes from the Secretary’s Desk: Not April Fools Edition

That time has come once again, furries and friends! Ridayah here, with a quick skinny on all the the new hizzy! (Okay, I fail, I apologize.) First, the TL;DR:

  • Elections are over! Please congratulate Yarrick on being elected to the board, and Legonnare for his re-election!
  • Election statistics are available, please see below.
  • The picnic is closing in – Star Wars Style!

Full Update:

The elections have been completed! With an early election and the full election in the last week, we had a very good voter turnout. We had three candidates, with Legonnare running for re-election and newcomers Yarrick and Zepaw also vying for positions. At 8pm on Saturday at the furmeet the voting was closed, tallied by the elections team, and announced. Legonnare was re-elected with 35% of the vote, and Yarrick obtained 40% of the vote to Zepaw’s 25%. Please congratulate them, and thank you to Zepaw for his willingness to dedicate himself to the board, as well as to Zmeydros, the board member whom has stepped down. Let’s here it for them, and to good things coming for the future!

There has been an expressed desire for some election statistics, which I will provide here. We had 34% of our registered volunteers eligible to vote, with 59% choosing to vote. 15% of the votes were cast via absentee ballot, with the rest being in person. Thank you to everyone who voted in the elections this year!

The biggest news right now for the community as well is that the spring picnic draws near. In just over a month, a conclave of epic proportions will bring wielders of the Force together! This year the spring picnic is Star Wars themed. With several contests, unique buttons and badges, and entertainment planned throughout the day, it will be a sight to behold! You can find all sorts of information at both the primary website location and on at the forums. We hope to see you there! (And remember, join the Dark Side! We have cookies!)

MNFurs Home Page Forums Notes from the Secretary’s Desk: Not April Fools Edition

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