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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.



MNFurs at Como Zoo’s Zoo Boo 2017

It’s almost that time of year again! Como Zoo is gearing up for their annual ZooBoo event, and so are we! … Continue reading

Central MN Furry Pizza Party

Hey there! Are you in or around the St. Cloud area?  You are in luck as we are having a pizza party at a restaurant in Waite Park. … Continue reading

MNFurs July Community Bowling

Hey everyone, it's that time again for another fun round of community bowling. We will be at a brand new venue in Apple Valley on a Friday night where we get to do unlimited bowling! … Continue reading

Introducing the 2017 MNFurs Fall Picnic!

Announcing the 2017 Minnesota Furs Annual Fall Picnic! September 30th at Wabun Picnic Area. … Continue reading

June Central MN Furry Meetup

Hey there! Are you from the St. Cloud area and looking for something to do on a weeknight? You are in luck! … Continue reading

Oval Fur Meet Artisan Station

Have an idea for the Oval Fur Meet Artisan Station? We want to hear from you! … Continue reading

MNFurs June Community Bowling

Hey everyone, it's that time again for another fun round of community bowling! … Continue reading

Central MN Furry Meeting Tomorrow Night!

Hey there! Are you from the St. Cloud area and looking for something to do on a weeknight? You are in luck! … Continue reading

MNFurs 2017 Mythic Picnic Final Update

The final update for the MNFurs 2017 Mythic Picnic. … Continue reading

MNFurs Presents Werecamp!

We are excited to announce Werecamp, a new MNFurs event that will be taking place January 26th - 29th in 2018. … Continue reading

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