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Announcing the 2013 MNFurs Fall Picnic – September 14

Summer is near the end and cooler air is moving in; this is also the time when school is starting back up. Come and join us at BlackHawk Park in Eagan for our Annual fun filled Fall Picnic as we take a break from homework.

This year we are having a back to school theme. Come dressed up in your favorite school outfit as you carry your text books in your backpack.

We will have many food items to choose from and various games you can play with your school clique.

The fun is not over yet. After the picnic we are heading over to the Ramada Mall of America for our Con Zero event. Finishing homework is boring, so stay the night and relax in the hot tub and swim in the pool.

For the latest updates, please remember to view the Fall Picnic Forum


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