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Animals of Minnesota

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  • #54082 Quote
    I am about to embark on a huge research quest to gather as much information as I can on a panel that I feel extremely passionate about and feel many attendees of FM2019 will become intrigued and excited about attending.

    The panel in question will discuss, in as much detail as possible, about the many animals that live in Minnesota that also happen to be popular animal choices for fursonas or just in general in the furry fandom. Such details will include stereo typical facts alongside interesting unknown facts about said species; population numbers, distributions, and status as they pertain to Minnesota; along with efforts being done on both the state and community levels to protect any animals mentioned to be in great harm.


    I am aware that this panel may become political in an age where furries are fighting to keep politics out of conventions, however I feel furries can get behind these facts and figures without becoming involved in the grand politics that are apart of said topic.


    But I wanted to set this up for 3 reasons.

    One, I want your opinions as to how political or appropriate this panel could be at a furry convention or how much you,  the attendees and fellow staff, would want a panel such as this to occur next year.

    Two, I want input. Trying to find out what other animal choices to pay attention to can be quiet jarring outside of wolves and foxes to say the least. Plus, delving into the hundreds of species of avian, reptilian, and rodent or rodent like species that run around Minnesota, a one or even 2 hour discussion would be next to impossible to prepare let alone present. So I want input from the furry community to help me lower the list to a small and modest handful. Wolves and foxes will remain, wolves especially, but the other species tend to be the more difficult end of the spectrum.

    Finally Three, I want to update all of you on my research findings as they become apparent. This is a huge undertaking with many hidden gems and easter eggs to discover that may prove to be mind opening knowledge for furries and the general public. Keep in mind, I am NOT a biologist nor a forest ranger. But the history and understanding of nature and the creatures who live in it astound me to no end and protecting the well being of their world and our own is one of the greatest issues I fight for every chance I am given.


    P.S. If there are any biologists, Minnesota park and forest rangers, or other passionate individuals that wish to participate I would humbly accept any and all help even as much to be a co-panelist in making this panel a reality.

    Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better, and your better is the best.

    Poetry is power.
    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

    #54083 Quote
    i’m going into the wildlife biology field and have worked full-time at a wildlife center in the past taking care of a lot of native MN species (black bears, wolves, grey/red foxes, skunks, bobcats, lynx, & coyotes to name a few) — i’d be happy to offer help/resources if needed!

    as for the political aspect, you’re definitely gonna find most issues in relation to wolves, since they’re a very political animal in the midwest/usa in general. it could be interesting to talk about the political aspect of one of the fandom’s most popular animals, but definitely don’t focus on it for too long since it can get pretty intense if you go into it too much lol

    #54084 Quote
    I think if you leave the idea of endangered species out of it. That it will go very smoothly. And focus more on the awareness of the different aminals.


    I have a character I’m toying with that will be a painted turtle. And was considering another character of a salamander of some kind. So I think A panel of this nature would be a good one for a brainstorm. ^’=’^

    And slightly off topic. I don’t know alot. But Native-American totems and legend are of interest. I think those kinda are ancient furries?

    #54085 Quote

    I think if you leave the idea of endangered species out of it. That it will go very smoothly. And focus more on the awareness of the different aminals.

    It is difficult to not mention endangered status on many popular animals. Wolves, cougars, moose, bats, and lynx are just a few animals I have found that are threatened or endangered. However, I do see the understanding as to why I should not mention that part of the findings. I just feel if furries cared for their characters and have so much pride in the animal of their fursona choice, shouldn’t they know everything they can about how they are living?

    As for the totem aspect, that is not an ancient furry thing. That is a spiritual understanding of oneself in the same way we furries choose our fursonas, which would be an interesting panel I would be willing to host in the future. But for ancient furries, there are mythological animals in Native American lore that are related to Minnesota. The misshepezhieu comes to mind. So if you would be inclined to host a panel on totems and ancient Native American mythological creatures from Minnesota, I would love to work with you on that.


    i’m going into the wildlife biology field and have worked full-time at a wildlife center in the past taking care of a lot of native MN species (black bears, wolves, grey/red foxes, skunks, bobcats, lynx, & coyotes to name a few) — i’d be happy to offer help/resources if needed! as for the political aspect, you’re definitely gonna find most issues in relation to wolves, since they’re a very political animal in the midwest/usa in general. it could be interesting to talk about the political aspect of one of the fandom’s most popular animals, but definitely don’t focus on it for too long since it can get pretty intense if you go into it too much lol


    That is amazing! I would love to speak with you more on this subject matter, or if you are willing take you on as a co-panelist. I do agree that out of any animal’s endangered status, the wolf is the most politically engaging inside and outside of the furry fandom. I agree that hanging too long on the endangered status would spark political engagement, and I will do my best to restrict my time upon it.

    Let us speak in a more private setting. Is twitter messages a fine place to discuss further upon this?

    Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better, and your better is the best.

    Poetry is power.
    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

    #54087 Quote
    I just know the endangered species list is a political spotlight. I deer hunt and discussing the wolf situation with the DNR, They had informed us that yes Timber-wolves are on the list. But that there was a crossbreed of dog and wolf that is an invasive species, That is has little fear of humans and has an accelerated kill pattern to eat softer organ meats.

    Knowledge of the animals I think is awesome. But I’d keep in mind what you could cover in an hour or two. I mean like if you picked 5 different animals + an intro leaves 10 minutes a piece on an hour. Plus questions? Or would that qualify more than one panel? Cause I think you could go in depth with a wolf panel, then another on birds, and another on small game? as examples.

    Uh, as for the panel thing, on totems. I feel like that would be tons of fun, But I admittedly know very little on the subject. I do spend alot of time meditating about the spiritual world. I have a bit of respect for that kinda thing.

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