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Countdown to Werecamp

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  • #50021 Quote
    Werecamp is two months away and you have one more month to register. Registration will close December 26th at 9 pm.


    For those of you registering groups, be sure everybody has their registrations in by this deadline.

    #50034 Quote
    EDIT: Yep, the Grue at my 2nd edit again. LOL. Well, no bother. 🙂

    This…sounds awesome!

    Ironically, werewolves play a large role in the novel series I’m currently writing (I’m simultaneously working on book one, and a looser draft of one of the “axle novels” in the series, towards the midpoint, which all future events revolve around, so it’s going to be flexible, but inspiration struck, so I started it. 🙂 ), so this will be PERFECT for me to attend. Plus, I’ll get to spend a great time with my fellow MNFurs friends and family. I will so totally need something like this in my life by then!

    I’ll have to pool much of my extra December and January pay to attend, and maybe get a boost from the folks, but they will no doubt help cover any extraneous costs I can’t manage, as I haven’t done something like this since I went to New Orleans with my roommates from Northwestern College (in Roseville, MN — not the famous one; I had a bad time there in general, but my roommates KICKED ASS!) in 2003. So, this sort of getaway is long overdue.

    I’ll try to register tonight, if allowed.

    But, when is payment due? It probably says on the site, and I admittedly haven’t read it all that thoroughly yet. I’ll have the money, but not until January 3rd. Is that too late? Maybe I could get an advance from my parents until then. They’d no doubt give it to me. As I’m…um…well, I’m not on the greatest financial footing, due to my health circumstances. 🙁 That’s all I feel comfortable saying publicly at this time. But, I really want to go to this. I hope I can.

    Any more information would be most welcome. Thank you in advance.


    Okay, so I was able to register! My folks were nice enough to front the full cost, no questions asked, and so I’m registered, ready, and raring to go!

    I absolutely CANNOT wait for Werecamp. This will be FANTASTIC! I can’t wait to meet more of my MNFurs family, and spend time writing and drawing amongst my friends from here. It’ll be great to just be working on my novels and drawings — in my downtime, of course, when not having a blast with all that attend! 😀 — in such a positive, supportive, and no doubt inspiring environment.

    I’m so happy that I’ll be able to go! I can’t wait! 🙂

    I am Convel Deamhan: I've learned that light can be born from darkness, beauty from ugliness, redemption from damnation, and friendship from loneliness. I am ecstatic to be a member of MNFurs, and the furry fandom at large!

    #50042 Quote
    Glad you were able to get that worked out, see you there!
    #50048 Quote

    Glad you were able to get that worked out, see you there!

    Thank you! I’m so excited to attend. I haven’t had an adventure like this for YEARS! It’s been way too long. I’m especially excited to meet more of the MNFurs family and maybe make some new friends 🙂 So, it should be a dynamite four days!

    And, hey, Werecamp’s near Rochester! I can hit up the HuHot Mongolian Grill on the way home! They have the best hibachi I’ve ever had! …Well, it’s the only hibachi I’ve ever had, but it was introduced to me by my longest-running friend, and one of my best friends, who’s a fellow furry. So, hell…it has to be the best, right? I mean, don’t we furries/furry affiliates all have impeccable tastes? 😀 LOL!

    I am Convel Deamhan: I've learned that light can be born from darkness, beauty from ugliness, redemption from damnation, and friendship from loneliness. I am ecstatic to be a member of MNFurs, and the furry fandom at large!

    #50154 Quote
    There are now three weeks remaining before registration closes.
    #50247 Quote
    Registration for Werecamp will be closing in just two more weeks.
    #50306 Quote
    We are now in the last week of registration for Werecamp. If you don’t register by 9PM on the 26th, you will not be able to attend.
    #50393 Quote
    I hope everybody had a good Christmas, regardless of whether you celebrate it or not. Today is the last day you can register for Werecamp! If you’re still undecided, you have until 9PM tonight to make up your mind.

    The snow is starting to stick around in the park so the chances are currently good that we will have a decent amount of snow for people who are interested in snowshoeing or skiing. Don’t worry about it being cold though, we will have plenty of warmth in the buildings.

    #50645 Quote
    I just wanted to check, there was a notice that there would be a weather check to make sure we would still have Camp. Since nothing says its cancelled, i just want to double check and make sure it is still on though.


    #50647 Quote

    I just wanted to check, there was a notice that there would be a weather check to make sure we would still have Camp. Since nothing says its cancelled, i just want to double check and make sure it is still on though. =^_^=

    Yep, 6PM was the target time for the announcement. It’s up now.

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