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Dueling, Writing, &…Cosplaying?

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  • #25378 Quote
    That’s right folks, I got the time off from work and will be attending everyday. Checking Thursday, and checking out Monday morning.

    For Friday, I’m hosting a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament that will be different than your usual local store ones. For more details, just ask and I’ll give you all the details.

    Saturday, haven’t gotten complete confirmation yet, but I will be hosting a panel based on the fictional story of my fursona that I have submitted here in the forms. If you’d like to read the 1st chapter, here’s where you can find it. https://www.mnfurs.org/groups/writing/forum/topic/the-superior-guardian-chapter-1/ In the panel, I will be talking about the inspirations, the ideas for certain characters and locations, and taking questions followers or brand new readers will have.

    And throughout the weekend, I will be cosplaying as 3 different characters and altering accordingly. The first is the well known cosplay in this group, Polar Bear from the series Polar Bear Cafe. His costume is all white and depending on the attire will depend upon the look. His casual wear is the white pants and shirt with a brown cap on his head. Here’s what it looks like. (Open only if you have a facebook account.) https://www.facebook.com/NCarbonStudios/photos/t.1347922384/366496113491317/?type=3&theater His work attire will be all white as well, but instead of a cap, it’s a blue checkered bandana around his neck and a black apron around his waist. Here is a picture of that. (Again, make to have a facebook account to open the link.) https://www.facebook.com/NCarbonStudios/photos/t.1347922384/366495343491394/?type=3&theater

    Next is Gin from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, a favorite of mine that a few have seen but love. All gray with a white belly, a hat with arm paws, and a gray curly tail. Pretty easy to spot. Here’s a picture of it, I’m the one on the left. (Once again, make sure to have a facebook account to open the link.) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365991986838774&set=t.1347922384&type=3&theater

    The last one that I will most likely wear all weekend, is of my fursona, Tamayoshi. This is a debut cosplay and I’m really excited about it. I should be easy to spot in it. I’ll be wearing a black jacket that’s open, a green shirt with a while furred belly, a green tail with a white underside that hangs down, blue jeans, brown hiking boots, a green hat with ears, and a long black wooden katana. It should be a lot of fun, and if you’d like to do something Thursday night or Sunday evening at the hotel, just post something here and we’ll see if we can make it happen.

    Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better, and your better is the best.

    Poetry is power.
    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

    #25379 Quote
    I’m definitely looking forward to seeing these cosplays!


    #25381 Quote
    I’m looking forward to the end result of Tamayoshi, but unsure if he will be done in time, because my job keeps setting up hours to stop me from working on the jacket, and the person I commissioned hasn’t told me she has it done or will have it done in time. So now I’m just crossing my paws and also wondering if staff at the con will be able to peace bind my sword.

    Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better, and your better is the best.

    Poetry is power.
    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

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