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Furry Migration — My Review

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  • #25606 Quote

    I have to say, for a first con, I was rather impressed. Everything was neat and organized, and whilst everyone was getting used to their roles as staff members, each of you performed exemplary with minimal frustration.

    Kellic, I know you’re not a public speaker, but you are organized and have good character, I’ve admired you as a friend for years, and now as a chairman, I believe you’ll do well in the years to come. Just don’t be nervous in front of the mic. 😉

    As far as the registration department goes, I am all too familiar with the process, as I myself am the Director of Registration for Anthrocon. This is one of the most difficult aspects of the convention. But, I pre-registered (as I recommend everyone should do), got in, got my badge, my bag, and got out within two minutes. I’d say that’s top-notch quality service, right there. You know who you are, staff of registration. Great work!

    I also sponsored the convention, because I have deep faith in the people who work for it, as many of them I have known for years, but there have been a few new faces I’ve met. I guess my only concern was that the sponsor breakfast consisted of only doughnuts and fruit, as well as coffee. But, really, if you think about it, this is a FIRST con, so, naturally, resources will be limited as to what can be given to us. And really, it was a chance to socialize with the Guests of Honour. I knew a few of them myself personally, as they’ve also been to Anthrocon. It was a nice relaxed event. Overall, I give it a thumbs up.

    The organization, planning, and programming for the most part worked out quite well, though some people were confused on the location of things. The staff, however, were quite friendly and were able to direct me exactly where I wanted to go. Most other things, though, were quite easy to find. Some events I just stumbled in on that were just entertaining even knowing nothing about the panel! That’s a plus.

    Long story short, this was your first con, everyone was new in their roles, you’re just figuring things out, and for everything that was, it was good. And I was happy. ^_^

    One more note: The nearby Ikea has pretty decent quality food. Just a 10 minute walk, if that. The weather cooperated well, so that was cool, too.

    #25607 Quote
    In general, I was favorably impressed – ESPECIALLY for a first-time con!  No major meltdowns of planning/organization, impressive attendance, interesting and talkative GOHs.

    One suggestion – there needs to be a location to find info on panel updates/moves/cancellations, *and the program book should say where it is so we know where to find it*. E.g.”Check the big bulletin board next to the Registration desk for any panel changes”.  I knew the “meet and greet the GOH” panel had been rescheduled, but wasn’t sure when the new time was.

    Ikea food is both good and cheap (!) but they don’t open till 9:30 am nowadays, just FYI (they used to be open earlier).

    Prereg-ed for next year, looking forward to attending again!

    #25608 Quote
    Trying to figure out which one was you Sonic, thumbs up on your review. Had a great time but there is always room for improvement as you explained.

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

    #25612 Quote
    In the future, the online programming grid, the paper grid, and whatever other grid…they all need to be CONSISTENT.  There were things that ended at one time on one, and another time on another.  Other than that…I had a lot more fun than I expected!  Thank you Kellic, Kurst, Zepaw and I loved getting my Kyell Gold book autographed and I even made NEW FRIENDS!  Imagine, Pepper making friends ;).  I really hope I can come back to FM next year!
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Pepper. Reason: Added stuff
    #25615 Quote
    Thanks for your review.

    I have been staff at 7 different conventions.  As I have considered MFF my ‘home’ con in the past, FM felt fantastically different because it was a local convention… an actual ‘home’ con.    So much pride and satisfaction…  it felt like a dream come true.  All said, we have one heck of a solid foundation to work with and its exciting to already be thinking about how next year will be improved.  Thanks for the cookies at reg.

    Furry Migration Staff (Volunteers) & MNFurs Board Member.

    Posts on the MNFurs forums are of my own opinion and do not reflect that of MNFurs or chartered events unless otherwise stated.


    #25616 Quote
    If you don’t mind me adding my two cents to your topic… Woo! I had a blast!

    “Laid-back” is a good word for the experience. I’m used to Anime Detour and CONvergence-level crowds, so getting to just wander around and chat with the folks doing the same thing made for a great weekend romp. Oodles of my highest kudos to the folks running the Consuite room, in particular; my usual Diet Coke intake can be kinda ridiculous, but they were ready both for me and everyone else who was after some! That they had hot dogs on hand saved my evening plans on Friday, when I never had quite enough time for a Mall run.

    #25620 Quote
    This might seem newbish :), but since I’m a bit new to this… Whoever made all the ice water dispensers, cups and loooong straws available there in the main ballroom…thanks! Waiting for the parade to start, I was very close to overheating, but after fifteen minutes of sitting and a nice guzzle of ice water, I was a lot better. Again, a big Thank You!
    #25631 Quote
    This was my first con, and I made my suit in 6 weeks for the debut. I had no idea what to expect and hoped to make a couple new friends while exploring fur suiting. I had never seen a fur suit in real life when I decided to make my own. my schedule is chaotic and I don’t take much time from my work to do other things.

    that being said, migration was everything I had dream it would be. other than I tiny bathrooms in the hotel rooms, the floor plan was easy, the suiter room was adequate (couple of times it got hot in their) and the staff were vary helpful and even when enforcing the rules were quite nice about it.

    the changes I (recommend) not request are
    1: that con goers not be required to wear shirts when inside the fenced off pool area, I love to swim not drown and that’s how swimming in a shirt feels to me.
    2: the con sweat is fantastic/ all tho the location was a bit confusing to everyone I met.
    3: I noticed the speakers the hotel has out by the patio. why not utilize those for 2015? would have been nice at the end of the parade, that’s for Shure

    I am preregistered for 2015 and cant wait for Back to the migration
    Nala S


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