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Fursaken at Migration (cancelled)

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  • #43330 Quote
    For those wondering… We put togeather a very good show this year and spent the better part of the past 8 months prepping for a vastly improved rockshow including more and better equipment, fog, more music tracks, more artist covers, as well as the debut of our texas based skunk, Axel whom we are proud to back as our lead vocalist..  This was important to us…

    Sadly,.. We live in a “me me me first” world, where my (and our lead guitarists) career obligations have suddenly decided to ramdomly change the dates of these obligations with zero concern or consideration for the vast amounts of things others have planned well in advance, namely.. Migration 2016…

    Until “fur”ther notice, or unless these dumbass’s suddenly find a more organizationally profiting date to do “their” bullshit, there is ZERO chance either of us can attend migration at all. That being said, we will not be performimg or participating in migration this year.

    We are deeply apologetic, for a number of reasons.  We found out last year that there was enough support for a group like ours, and a desire to have us back from the audience. We remain grateful, and promise to remain true to our objectives and continue to develop these shows despite these developments, so that hopefully we can be back with you before long. Thank you in advance, to everyone. And hope to see everyone off/on as we are able.


    (On Behalf of Fursaken)

    #43337 Quote
    Sorry to hear that things did not go as planned, I wish you and the band all the best in the future. 🙂
    #43429 Quote

    ok, so after this weekend i am required to sign on to do a followup to dispell rumors associated with us/our group and migration.  I owe a few good people my time, as they constantly go out of their way to help staff/slot/plan for and authorize these shows….

    firstly i have heard all kinds of rumors as to why we are backing out of septembers show.  Allow me to pointedly explain what happened so others dont get the wrong impression.   Firstly,  no.. We are not boycotting Migration, or any event. We have no personal, political or third hand reason not to show up. We are very grateful for all the hard work others have put into us, and will always have their back at request.

    Secondly,  no,  we have not been “denied” a show at Migration. We appreciate all of the positive feedback, but appreciate moreso the constructive criticism. That is what will allow us to grow. We do not get paid (or even get/want free admission to any event) we place far more time/resources/cash into these projects than we will ever get back. So if somone wants to help us realise where/when we need work or help, im all fuzzy gray ears. but please dont assume theres some backstage drama with any of our group or administrations. Its simply not true.  No conspiracy theorys, no hidden agendas.  Thanks!

    Lastly, simce there is some comcern, let me spell out why we wont be there in Sept.  The military (being encredibly knot-headed) decided to change drill dates right over the top of migration and we have both been told wholesale “no way-no how-no chance” .. Simply can not just Reschedule training, since qualification in lieu of possible deployment sometime next year is reportedly “all important”. So no, its not US, responsible, its not Migration thats responsible.. Its.. A third party entirely.

    Hope this clears up any descrepancy, if it does not then i apologize, this is the last time i can speak to this directly but i do understand it may not “do it” for some abstract minded individuals.  Until then,

    keep the fuzz

    keep the love,

    keep rockin,

    -Cence (Fursaken rhythm woof)


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Cencewolf.
    #43430 Quote
    Just wanted to give a shout out to Migration!  So sorry we can’t make it this year, but we’ll assign new dates at other conventions in the near future.  Migration, you’ll always be our home!


    Risia Shetani

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