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Game Design via Godot – Group Learning

MNFurs Home Page Forums MNFurs Discussions Game Design via Godot – Group Learning

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  • #58103 Quote
    Hey everyone

    Small indie game programming/design has been a side hobby of mine. Starting back with Gamemaker 6.0 back in 2004 (now known as “Gamemaker: Studio”), I’ve always been dabbling with it. Though Gamemaker has been very limiting and I wanted to move onto something new and more modern.

    I’ve been avoiding Unreal Engine and Unity as they came off as a bit intimidating to me. So, I’ve ultimately selected to start moving forward with learning an open-source engine called Godot.

    Why posting about it here?

    I wanted to extend an offer to anyone who also wants to try and learn something new alongside me. If anyone else is like me, the accountability of working through something with someone else or a small group helps.

    Where to start?

    I’ve been following youtube tutorials, but the problem with those is all the pausing and playing… not learning things in a structured order… People’s methods change from person to person… So after 4-5 videos, I decided on getting a book.

    I am currently reading through “Godot Engine Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself: The Official Guide to Godot 3.0″. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BFDQFL9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_o00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Its $20 on the Kindle and it’s been (so far, 5 hours in) a really good overview and walkthrough.

    What I am proposing

    If anyone else wants to pick up this book and do a “Book Club” of sorts. I’m down for it. I’m 5 chapters in, but if people wanted to pick it up, and do a meetup (via discord) twice a week to collaborate on what we’ve learned, this could be helpful to some people. After social distancing loosens up, we can start migrating to a bi-weekly meetup. This is great for bouncing issues off each other if we hit snags, or just don’t understand a concept.

    Any prior knowledge of programming/game design is not necessary.

    If this sounds like something that is appealing to you, Reply to this thread and let me know! Feel free to also telegram me (faster), @DrRaccoon.


    I am learning a game engine called Godot. If anyone wants to pick up this book and do twice a week (online) meetups, hit me up.

    Furry Migration Staff (Video Head & Digital Signage) & MNFurs President.

    Come say hi on the MNFurs Discord!

    Posts on the MNFurs forums are of my own opinion and do not reflect that of MNFurs or chartered events unless otherwise stated.

    #58104 Quote
    I cant edit my original post without it disappearing, so I need to add this here.

    Learning Godot is good for you if:

    • You love gaming and want to make your own
    • You want to learn a programming language (Python)
    • Other platforms like Unity and Unreal Engine intimidate you

    Learning it with a group is great if:

    • You haven’t done any programming before
    • You can problem-solve your issues with other people weekly

    Furry Migration Staff (Video Head & Digital Signage) & MNFurs President.

    Come say hi on the MNFurs Discord!

    Posts on the MNFurs forums are of my own opinion and do not reflect that of MNFurs or chartered events unless otherwise stated.

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