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Hey , im lio or Dr4g0nlio figure id try putting myself out there

MNFurs Home Page Forums MNFurs Introduce Yourself And How Did You Find MNFurs Hey , im lio or Dr4g0nlio figure id try putting myself out there

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  • #63739 Quote
    hey everyone lio the Dragon here been in MN for about 6 years now moving around currently in the Plymouth area.

    i came upon your event today at the park my gym bro wolf told me about it and i was driving around and stopped by for a little bit and decided to try this format since barq is a dead zone. i’m a gay poly Dragon i play switch and magic the gathering i thrift store hunt and always in the market for friends to join me and hang and if i click with folks i wont say no.

    i’m trying to get my ideal body and making strides to do it, i have a very active job and hit the gym 5 to 10 times a week based on my work load . I’m 6 ft. 9 and like pokewalking and chilling watching movies platonic cuddling and trying to improve my life before its too late

    #63751 Quote
    Hi Lio, It’s nice to meet you! I agree, movies are the best and I reeeally need to start playing magic the gathering, it sounds so fun!
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