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Welcome to MNFurs, a local community site where fans of anthropomorphic animals and artists can gather to meet each other locally in the Twin Cities and surrounding area; forming friendships, meeting new people, educate others, and help out the local community. To access chat, forums, and the additional features of this site you must register for a free account or log in.

Heyo! ^^ I’m Howling Moonbear c:

MNFurs Home Page Forums MNFurs Introduce Yourself And How Did You Find MNFurs Heyo! ^^ I’m Howling Moonbear c:

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  • #63734 Quote
    Heyo! I am new to the community here in Minnesota, but have been living here for about 8 years. I originally grew up in Los Angeles, California. c:

    I am 22 years old, female, and pansexual. I am on here looking to meet fellow furs and attend events in the cities. I have two fursonas. One is a wolf named “Howling Moon”. She has stars, moons, and a body of vivid colors. There are a few commissions of her in my profile, if you want to check them out. I have also credited the artists’ in the captions. ^^

    She has a big floofy tail, and is a big nerd! I am currently looking for a fursuiter to make a full digitigrade suit for her, to wear IRL to conventions. My other fursona is: “Bae, the Calico”. As the name implies, she is a calico cat, with bacon, eggs, and french toast in her ears and on her nose. I have a partial of her that will be delivered soon. I plan on wearing her to the local meetups. A picture of her is also in my profile! :3

    I am a huge nerd, but very easy going and sociable. I have always attended anime conventions and have cosplayed throughout my life. I am currently in college as well, studying Business Administration. I have a background of working in retail management for several years now, but secretly am a huge nerd/goofball at heart.

    Say hi! So excited to go to future events and connect w/ people! This is the perfect state to suit in, being that its so cold. C:

    Howling Moonbear

    #63738 Quote
    Hiya. Welcome to the community. Happy to have you here with us. Hope you enjoy your time with us and I’m sure we can’t wait to see you at events
    #63752 Quote
    Heyo, I love your sona’s, The colors are so cool! I too am a <i>huge </i>nerd. I haven’t gotten to see many anime’s but I am in love with Studio Ghibli and demon slayer, I’ve never really gone to furry, anime, or costume conventions before but I hear they’re super fun! And cosplay is one of the best pastimes after role play and you can’t prove me wrong, I look forward to seeing you at events and getting to know you better!
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