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Hi, I’m Bourbon

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  • #63311 Quote
    Hi there! My name’s Bourbon, I’m a bobcat and recent transplant from GA. I found MNfurs thru the FM website! I also have a partial suit (not my sona tho, their name is Ruckus Raccoon!)


    I’m transmasc (any pronouns), in my 30s, and have been a furry for almost 20 years now!


    I’m mainly a watcher/commissioner/sometimes writer and my partner is also a furry. I live in Minneapolis, which is a far cry from rural GA lol. I’m a Computers Guy but I want to finish my bachelor’s and get into Technical Writing. When I’m not doing that, I love to visit parks, do nature walks, birding, doodle, and read.


    Nice to meet you all!


    #63313 Quote
    Hi Bourbon! Cool suit/sona’ and welcome to MNF! Glad to have you here, I too love nature walks, doodling, and reading. I have never tried birding but I will sit and watch animals for hours and in turn they watch <i>me </i>for hours wondering what the heck is going on•-•
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