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I feel like junk right now, any advice helps

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  • #47125 Quote
    So I woke up this morning extremely tired/drained. I thought it was a bit odd for me since I for some reason fell asleep extreamly early. Right now it feels just like when you accidentally inhale some of water/soda ect. I have been coughing all day but it started at a cogh here and there but now when I cough it causes a mild/throbbing paing in my chest. Also not too long ago I started to get a headache feeling and possibly a little bit of a high temp. I’m not sure what to do right now since my parents are kinda ignoring me since they are having a party outside.

    Also just now my back is starting to hurt, I do have scoliosis and I was cleaning a heck.

    Litterally anything like telling me what it is I caught or what i should do to help relieve some of this I would be so very grateful!!!

    "The greatest value comes from loving yourself for who you are" ~Lindsey Stirling

    #47127 Quote
    Could be a sinus infection, that can cause that feeling.  The sore feeling is probably coming from the coughing.  How long has it been ongoing?  The usual rule of thumb I have is 3 days.  If it doesn’t get better by then (gets worse or stays the same) then I either go see my doctor or if I’m relatively sure I know what it is I’ll do an eVisit where I just tell an RN my symptoms and they usually get back within an hour or so with a prescription.

    "The problem is not that there are too many idiots in the world, the problem is the distribution of lightning."
    - Mark Twain

    #47128 Quote
    I know for the pask week I have been having some nasty headaches and it kind of got wors and worse then now it really got worse. I know last year I got something kind of like this and had to go to the ER because I also had a really high temp. I dont think I have that much of a high temp, I have not checked yet.

    "The greatest value comes from loving yourself for who you are" ~Lindsey Stirling

    #47146 Quote
    Monitor your temperature and make sure you get plenty of rest. If you still feel sick in a day or two I would recommend going to a doctor.

    Music makes the world go around!

    #63532 Quote
    If you’re feeling like junk right now, it’s essential to prioritize your health. I’d recommend reaching out to an ENT doctor in Dubai, and Dr.ENT is the perfect choice and can provide the care and guidance you need.
    #63533 Quote
    To me that sounds like either like a sinus infection or COVID, I’ve had it before and it’s kinda like that, not too bad but still, maybe just take it easy and  definitely tell your parents
    #63534 Quote
    I hope you feel better soon!!!
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