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Kid-friendly fur events

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  • #60440 Quote
    My furry kid really wants to hang out with other furs, but I am not always clear which events are for all furs and which we should leave to the adults?

    I noted, for example, that the Winter Romp clarified 18+.  Cool.  Wondering how I find out if the West Metro twice monthly meet at Perkins would be appropriate.  And, now, after seeing the MOA walk, am realizing that some events are not fur suit apporpriate??!! How can we make sure of when to arrive in furs and when to cone in our own skin.


    Patty (mom to Azzy, 11yo new fur )


    #60444 Quote

    hello…I have seen in events (of the past and romps) the event normally lists suits or no suits. There is also a youth group that is run too that has youth specific meets and outings as well (meaning more for the teens) Nova and Nan, typically run the youth group (they are awesome <3) best of luck to you and have fun! 


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