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Lemme tell ya about Migration

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  • #25664 Quote

    Holy Crimany, never have I had so much fun at a convention…  or any event, for that matter.  In my wildest dreams I did not even come close to expecting what a great time and a great con it was.  It was my first specifically ~Furry~ convention, but I am familiar with the large con scene around Minnesota… I still didn’t come close to expecting the fun times that were had at the Ramada this past weekend.

    I thank the people who found me and pulled me into friend groups on the first day (and early second) I honestly believe that the magic that was this con started with how wonderfully fantastic the people who found me were (and are still)  more than that even the staff must be congratulated.  This convention was wonderfully put together, and so low on drama ;U;  I spent a good chunk of my time at con working as a Wandering Host, thankfully we never had anything super big to deal with.

    I am having trouble figuring out how to even properly explain the time I had, I tried yesterday, and I fear I’ve disillusioned one of my friends from ever attending a con, how excited I was about the whole thing…  but mayhaps it would be easier to tell to others who shared the same weekend with me.

    So here we go;

    The Courtyard, backyard, outside space, whatever you desire call it, was the best addition to a fur con ever.  The space was so wonderful for chilling out in the daytime, dancing in the night, and hanging out around the fires as everything wound down late at night (early in the morning)  I probably spent more time out in the courtyard than anywhere else throughout con.

    The dances were VERY COOL  the lighting was well done and it was a super fun time, the unofficial dances outside were marvelously fun as well!

    But the real maker of this convention was absolutely the PEOPLE (and furs) the community was friendly and absolutely welcoming.  I believe that between fitting five people and a fuzzie on one of the loveseats, and Sunday Massage trains on the courtyard wall, I’ve filled my cuddle quota for the next few weeks, maybe a month.  The community was one that allowed me to be outgoing and energetic pretty much constantly, it was one that made me feel comfortable being myself, and most of all, it is one that I will remember and talk about for years to come.

    This was one of those conventions that all of the members will talk about through cons to come, as a first year, this was so fantastic.  I look forward to next year, and got my registration figured out Sunday, so I will absolutely be going, I hope to see all you cuties there next year as well.

    Leaving this convention was possibly one of the hardest things to do (And Ari and I took an extra day too) I look forward to a repeat performance, with even more fun in years to come.

    Thank you everybody for the wonderful weekend, I have never felt so loved <3

    #25665 Quote
    This was the second best convention I have been to. I’ve been to quite a few. I will definitely be back for this one!
    #25681 Quote
    I just gotta say, it’s feedback like this that keep me going. As part of the Hotel Department for the convention I can say we, as well as the rest of the staff, worked our butts off. I am so happy to know you had such a great time and I’m really looking forward to next year (which we are already in the process of planning)
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