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May Mall of America Walk

MNFurs Home Page Forums Events May Mall of America Walk

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  • #62297 Quote
    Hello MNFurs, looking for a way to socialize on a Thursday evening? Come join Alli Coyote on Thursday, May  4th, for a casual walk around every floor
    [See the full post at: May Mall of America Walk]
    #62338 Quote
    My Daughter (f11) has a fascination with becoming a furry, I want to support her in every way possible. What can I do to make her first fur get-together as awesome as possible?
    #62385 Quote
    Hello! Sorry for the late reply, but I hope you see this anyways! The best way to support her, especially at a fur meet like this, is to listen to her when she expresses things she’s interested in and ask relevant questions to show interest, and when you meet other furs at events, please ask them directly things you might be wondering about, how they got into the community, you name it! Also, many furs go by “furry” names and not their legal names. Because your kiddo is young, I’d especially encourage her (and you) to use this, for privacy and safety! The furry community is pretty welcoming, but it never hurts to be safe, especially since so much of this community is online. For this reason, I’d recommend encouraging her to come up with a furry/fursona name, if she doesn’t have one already!

    These mall walks are good because they have a smaller amount of people than some of the other gatherings (such as our monthly Oval meets, or our picnics), but because they are limited by MoA rules, you won’t see fursuits, which is what a lot of younger furs are really interested in seeing in person. For that reason, I also welcome y’all to come to an Oval meet, or the Spring Picnic, which is coming up at the end of May!

    If you’ve got specific questions for an adult who’s been in the furry game since they were a kiddo around your daughter’s age, please feel free to PM me!

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