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My Furry Migration 2014 Full video is now up on Youtube!

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  • #29899 Quote
    Yes yes, I know I am slow but I’ve had a rather crazy few months. So I am behind on both Photography and Video editing. However; I am starting to get some more free time so I can work on catching up on my backlog. You’ll see more content on the Photo Gallery here including the Winter Carnival photos which are now up! As well as content on my FA/ Flickr and Youtube account.

    Pertinant to Furry Migration, I’ve finished my longer video on Youtube. This will likely just remain on my Personal Youtube as it has bits of music in it which are not Public Domain due to the Dance comp, Fursuit games and End Credits.

    Watch my 2014 Furry Migration con memories video On my Youtube Channel Here

    Enjoy, and more content coming soon!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Yarrick.

    -- MNFurs Photography Head--

    Want a Photographer at an event? Want to help out with Photography at an event? PM me!

    #30097 Quote

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

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