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Panel Idea: Making Purple Memories & Fursuit Identity

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  • #61181 Quote
    I would like to hear your thoughts on my panel idea for Furry Migration 2022:



    Presented by fursuiters, for fursuiters, with only a tinge of purple. As an interactive event that informs fursuiters on how to build character through props, slogans, and general performances, the purple king himself wants to give the stage to those who want to learn and have a chance to strengthen their fursuiting performance.

    From local events, picnics, and national conventions, the panelists will share their experiences on creating videos, costuming, making / commissioning their own props, thinking about how to behave in the eyes of the public, all to make a solid image behind their fursuit identity.


    Some of the interworking parts:

    1st Half of Panel: Presentation and discussion of images of fursuit branding, use of props, costumes , videos of doing performances and demonstrating their character identities.

    2nd Half of Panel: Giving the ‘spotlight’ to audience member fursuiters to come onto stage and interact with the panelists in suit get tips and tricks on how to show emotion and use gestures to make a show.

    During the presentation, some of the panelists will be ‘hidden panelists’ causing ‘havoc’ throughout the panel while showing off their ‘chaotic’ character behavior and interacting with the presenter through comical performances.

    Have I mentioned I like purple yet?

    #61197 Quote
    Okay this is interesting, so kind of like a public fursuiting 101, but with strong emphasis on learning from other fellow suiters?

    This sounds fun through from what I am reading and looking forward to seeing where this goes.

    Thanks Kinger!

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

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